Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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1. Of or relating to the production, development, and management of material wealth, as of a country, household, or business enterprise. 2. Of or relating to an economy: a period of sustained economic growth. 3. Of or relating to the science of economics: new economic theories regarding the effects of deficit spending. 4. Of or relating to the practical necessities of life; material: wrote the book primarily for economic reasons. 5. Financially rewarding; economical: It was no longer economic to keep the manufacturing facilities open. 6. Efficient; economical: an economic use of home heating oil.

Economic Freedom

Economic freedom enables people to make their own economic decisions. This freedom includes the right to own property, to use it, and to profit from it. Workers are free to choose and change jobs. People have the freedom to save money and invest it as they wish. Such freedoms form the basis of an economic system called capitalism.


1. Careful management of resources to avoid unnecessary expenditure or waste; thrift. 2. A means or instance of this; saving 3. Sparing, restrained, or efficient use, esp to achieve the maximum effect for the minimum effort: economy of language. 4. The complex of human activities concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. 5. A particular type or branch of such production, distribution, and consumption: a socialist economy; an agricultural economy. 6. The management of the resources, finances, income, and expenditure of a community, business enterprise, etc. 7. A class of travel in aircraft, providing less luxurious accommodation than first class at a lower fare: economy class. 8. Offering or purporting to offer a larger quantity for a lower price: economy pack. 9. The orderly interplay between the parts of a system or structure: the economy of nature. 10. The principle that, of two competing theories, the one with less ontological presupposition is to be preferred.


1. An affective state of consciousness in which joy, anger, fear, hate, etc., is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness. 2. The depth of feeling. 3. Any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, enthusiasm, fear, etc., and usually accompanied by physiological changes, such as increased heartbeat or respiration. These often manifest as, sweating, crying or shaking. 4. Energy in motion. 5. The effort to put someone or something into motion. 6. The connector between mental plans and physical actions. Without emotion, the thoughts cannot translate into actions or results. The Optima Zones are a direct measure or scale of emotion.

Emotional Freedom

1. A state where you can act and live as you choose without being subject to unwanted emotions. 2. The ability to express in words and actions what you want, when you want, in the way you want without restriction or consideration. 3. The ability to experience positive emotions while transforming negative or unwanted emotions. 4. The state of equanimity where you can maintain your emotional state or mood without absorbing, reacting, or being affected by another person’s negative expression of emotions.




1. The psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another person. 2. To understand the perspective, experiences, or motivations and share another individual’s emotional state. 3. The imaginative ascribing or projection onto an object or work of art, one’s own feelings, thoughts or attitudes.

Empirical Fact

A fact that is established by observation, not established by theory or reason.


1. To provide work to a person for payment. 2. To engage the attention or activity of; occupy: employed himself for an hour reading blogs. 2. To put (something to use or service: employed a knife to open the envelope; employed her skills in the new role. 3. To devote (time, for example) to an activity or purpose: employed several months in learning to speak French. 4. The state of being employed: in the employ of the company.


1. To carry out effectively. 2. To give force to; reinforce. 3. Compel obedience, observation, communication, affinity or reality. 4. Impose an action, conduct, one’s will, experience. 5. Impose one to admit.


1. Intense, eager or strongly felt interest. 2. Originally, supernatural inspiration; inspired prophetic or poetic ecstasy. 3. The emotional level of a person who is winning. They are Eager, cheerful and alive.

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