Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Are We Entering a Period of Global Recession?

If you listen to the media, we are already in the grips of high inflation and descending into a global recession. True or not, the mantra becomes self-fulfilling.

We all have a personal economy that depends on us to take leadership. We will be disappointed if we wait for the government to save us. It is up to us to step up to our personal financial leadership and make the most of the uncertainty.

What will you do differently?

Surely, money in the bank loses value every day if it is not put to more productive use. With the stock market down by about 30%, that’s looking risky. How about real estate? In some markets, a drop of 23% is expected.

What will you do?

Personally, we are investing heavily to create intangible assets that go up when the market is down and go up even faster when the market is up.

What about you?

Using Leverage to Speed Up Your Success

This video is based on Marshall Thurber’s theory of Network Science. If you don’t understand the principle of leverage, you work too hard.

Be sure to read this post on Key-Leverage Points.

The Orderlies Who Bought The Hospital

by Jay Abraham

Orderlies buying a hospital?

I do need to tell you they were actually two gentlemen going through med school who intended to become doctors and during the time that they were in that process, they worked at a hospital as orderlies to pay for school.

Here’s what they did.

Consumer Price Index 1775 to 2012

Big Mac Index

The Big Mac Index is published by The Economist as an informal and light-hearted way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a rule of thumb to see the relative cost of the same item in different countries.

If you want to buy a Big Mac, look how much it is in Switzerland compared to Egypt. How to use this? Think of retirement. If you are in the US with $1 take it to Egypt and it goes 3.5 times as far ($1 in the US is like $3.5 in Egypt).

(this post has been updated for 2021)

Global Inflation Rate 2010 to 2020

Based on the global inflation rate from 2010 to 2020, $1 in 2010 will be worth $.69 in 2020.

The below data is from the IMF, statista.

Statistic: Global inflation rate from 2010 to 2020 (compared to previous year) | Statista

How The Economic Machine Works

One of my favorite subjects at school was economics.

Understanding how the economy works is the foundation of creating your own financial success because we operate in a subset of the world, regional, national and local economies.

Personal & Economic Freedom – Your Basic Right

Let’s begin with personal freedom. The basis of personal freedom is the ability to think for yourself, the freedom of speech to express yourself, and the freedom to make up your own mind and take whatever action moves you towards your own goals (as long as you don’t infringe on the rights of others.)

One of the foundations of personal freedom is economic freedom. Economic freedom is your basic right in any capitalist country. Economic freedom enables you to make your own economic decisions. This includes the right to own, use and profit from property (property is defined as anything you own such as money, real estate, patents, businesses, worldly possessions etc.) You are free to choose and change jobs, businesses, careers and relationships. You have the freedom to save money and invest it as you wish.

Most people neither understand nor fully exercise this basic freedom. Instead of thinking for and educating themselves, they abdicate responsibility for their personal economics to an outside authority – including partners and spouses.

Anytime we abdicate responsibility to an outside authority we are giving up our basic freedom and becoming at the effect of someone else. This is the primary cause of failed partnerships, marriages, businesses and is the basis of one side of the money PLOT. The other side of the money PLOT is where we are the “outside authority” that others have abdicated their control to.

While we are in the PLOT we may achieve economic freedom, however, we will never have emotional freedom. Which means that we are not really economically free – because of our needs and obligations to be taken care of by other people – or to be the one taking care of other people. It is not possible to enjoy money for what it is – if it is mixed in and intertwined with power, control, insecurity, lack, and limitation!

De-program, De-condition, De-hypnotize.

There are many people teaching about money and how to build one’s wealth, however, there is very little effective support available to help one de-programde-condition and de-hypnotize oneself from the core emotional aspects of money. This is more than a mental exercise, it takes examining one’s family background to fully understand and appreciate all the subtle and pervasive thoughts, beliefs and feelings that drive our money attitudes and behaviors.

Then there is the metaphysics of money, wealth, and abundance. Many people think they know about metaphysics – and yet are unable to use this knowledge to financial advantage. The true test of knowledge is all in the application: if you can do it, then you know it. If you cannot do it – then you don’t know it.

Our definition of wealth is way beyond the trappings of success, income generating assets, fancy cars, big houses and loads of cash. What good is financial abundance if one has no time to enjoy it, no energy and one’s relationships are bankrupt? Most people believe in their core feelings that you cannot have it all and that you have to sacrifice something in order to obtain wealth and all its trappings. This is absolutely not true. You can have it all. And you can have it sooner than you realize… by learning about and mastering the universal principles of what we call Goldzone Wealth!

Your EXCHANGE reveals your FEELINGS.

It is at the point of exchange that our money DYNAMICS are revealed and our true feelings about money show up. Many of us have a difficult time identifying and acknowledging our feelings about money. And yet it is these very feelings that drive our behaviors which ultimately create our results.

The fastest way to identify our feelings about money (or lack of it) is to examine our exchanges with other people. It is very easy to say rationally that we believe in fair exchange and win/win – however when our money is on the line – our true feelings and behavior are exposed.

Enjoy The Good Life!

Most people work hard to generate money, to invest this money in assets that then generate more money so that they can retire, live off the income, then enjoy the good life. The question is what would happen if you enjoyed the good life now? What is the good life anyway? Is it your definition or someone else’s?

What would happen if you enjoyed what you did, were free to think, say and do whatever you wanted as long as it did not infringe on others?

Talking Taxes

Must We Justify Our Right to Exist?

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