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Strategy vs Tactics

Strategy vs tactics used to frustrate and confuse me until Jay Abraham explained it.

Jay helps business owners shift their mindsets to become more strategic thinkers and use innovation and marketing to grow their businesses.

Most of us struggle to understand the difference!

Often, we use a tactic to improve sales or marketing results and think we are being clever or strategic!


Embracing strategic thinking was a game-changer for me. Let me share a story to make it clearer.

Imagine you’re like Steve, a special forces team leader wanting to get your team to a location.

Your options? Cross the river, traverse the desert, or scale the mountain. Each represents a different strategy, but how you execute each depends on your chosen tactics.

Breaking it down:

Option 1: The River

→ Strategy: Take the river to get there faster.
→ Tactics: Use a boat or swim.

Steve’s logistics expert, Tom, jumps in. “A boat will get us there quicker, saving time and energy. Swimming is an option, but we’ll be exhausted before arriving.”


→ The river strategy is about speed, but the tactic (boat vs. swimming) determines how effective that strategy is. Sometimes, you have the right path but need the right tools.

Option 2: The Desert

→ Strategy: Cross the desert to avoid water-related risks.
→ Tactics: Walk, use a camel, or drive ATVs.

Sandra, the survival expert, warns that the desert is unforgiving. “Walking could drain our energy fast, and we’d need to carry a lot of water. Camels or ATVs would be easier, but we must plan for the heat.”


The desert is safer in terms of avoiding water risks, but it’s a challenge. We avoid one problem and introduce another. Here, tactics (camels or ATVs) could make or break the journey.

Option 3: The Mountain

→ Strategy: Climb the mountain for a direct route and clear view.
→ Tactics: Use climbing gear, find trails, or establish base camps.

The terrain expert, James, has advantages. “We’ll have a better view of what’s ahead, but the climb will be tough. We’ll need rest stops and proper gear.”


This strategy concerns clarity and safety but requires more effort. Base camps could make it easier but take longer.

Steve’s Choice: The River with a Boat

Steve weighs his options and decides on the river strategy. His tactic? Use a boat to save energy and ensure the team is strong enough for the journey.


Strategy is the direction, but tactics are how you get there. The right combination ensures you get there efficiently and with minimal risk.

The same principles apply in business.

You might have a brilliant strategy, but you’ll either slow down or burn out without the right tactics.

How do you apply strategy and tactics?

Have You Ever Wished You Could Reinvent Yourself?


Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you could reinvent yourself?

If you have, you are not alone!

Working from home is here to stay, digitalization, automation, and robotics are only just beginning to disrupt us in ways we are yet to imagine.

How are we going to cope?

I am reminded of super-successful Andrew, living in a loft-style apartment in Soho, New York. A published author, teaching at an Ivy League University by day and working with well-known musicians at night.

To your average person in the rat race, this sounds like an enviable dream life. But Andrew was miserable. He was literally “killing himself,” over-worked, and over-scheduled with little to no satisfaction from his work, or his success. Under constant pressure to deliver the next article for an academic journal and the next best-selling book, Andrew cringed at the sound of his own voice, because he felt like he would never be as good as he wanted to be.

The Mexican Fisherman and You!

On a beautiful, warm day twenty-five years ago, I looked out the window of my beachfront villa in Bali. As I ate some snake fruit, I watched several fishermen knee-deep in water, catching fish.

My phone rang, and my friend Michael, one of the original founding officers of FedEx, said hello.

We talked for a while about Legendary Leadership, a passion of his, and the fisherman I was watching. He asked if I had heard the story of the Mexican Fisherman? No, what’s that about? I asked inquisitively.

Michael proceeded to tell me this story.

An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several giant tuna. The American complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The fisherman replied, “only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The fisherman said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. 

The American then asked, “but what do you do with the rest of your time?”

The fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria. Each evening, we stroll into the village where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life.”

The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats. Eventually, you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village. You would move to Mexico City, then LA, and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise.”

The fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?”

To which the American replied, “15 – 20 years.”

“But what then?” Asked the fisherman.

The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right, you would announce an IPO, sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions!”

“Millions – then what?”

The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife. In the evenings, you would stroll to the village where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”

I was spellbound.

WOW. This story had my head spinning. I was young, ambitious, with plans for the future, and yet here, in this simple story, my friend had conveyed to me the essence of what most people take a lifetime to figure out.

Many of us are so busy doing and living that we don’t take the time to figure out what we really want. Can you relate?

The American in the story advocated for more is better and chased what I call the Success Paradigm. Lived linearly, one success leads to another only to live a good life at an old age. Is more really better? What if you get to the end goal and it isn’t what you expected?

What would happen if you lived your life with your ultimate end result in mind?

What if we could figure out what we really wanted and work backward to today? Then we could start living our ultimate dream life now, instead of at the end of a long road.

Perhaps you are like many people I have met. You know with certainty what you don’t want but have no idea what you want or what would make your heart sing?

To know what you want in your heart of hearts is one of life’s best gifts.

Turn fear, uncertainty, and doubt, into confidence, certainty, and clarity!

To me, the value of these three C’s (confidence, certainty, and clarity) are priceless. Without them, inaction is the norm. When you are clear about what you want — nothing can stop you.

Anjou and I created the GOLDZONE Experience to give people a sensory experience of what’s possible if you lived your life knowing what you really want in all areas. We offer an experience of life and a step-by-step guide to getting each area of life into the zone. If you already live this way, congratulations! If not, and you want an experience to fast-track your journey, consider exploring what GOLDZONE has to offer.


P.S. Most people I meet are overscheduled. They run from meeting to meeting. With such busy schedules, where is space and time to think about what you really want for the rest of your life? When do you take the time to work on yourself — your most important and often neglected asset? The GOLDZONE Experience offers you a chance to slow down for a few days to relax, reflect, and reinvent!

P.P.S. Do you want more spirit, meaning, and fulfillment in your life, career, or business? Now is the time to do it! Reinvent Yourself!

Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the all-time great books on life meaning and purpose by Viktor Frankl. First published in 1946, Frankl chronicles his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

When faced with unimaginable suffering, there are four differing approaches one could take; 1) to give up and resign oneself to fate 2) turn to religion 3) spiritualize the circumstances 4) find practical purpose and meaning in life, then immersively imagine a positive outcome.

Mistake Mystique

This article is from INTUITION by Dr. R. Buckminister Fuller, pages 91 – 100.

Are You Working for the Money or Doing Work You Love?

Are you working for the money or doing work you love? Work should be like play when you are doing work that you are good at! Then you can make all the money you want!

Liberation Stories > Chart Your Own Course

Art and video by Jeremy Collins.

What the Bleep is Consciousness?

Talking about consciousness is a fashionable subject these days. As if it is a new religion, trend or fashion. A lot of so-called “spiritual” people use it to judge others as being less “evolved” and ignorant.

I say, bleep that!

Consciousness is a simple concept that a 5-year-old child can understand. Sandy, the dog is conscious, whereas Teddy the teddy bear is not. Sandy runs around and responds, Teddy just sits there and does not move. When children play-act, they know they are pretending. It’s not real. When the plastic scissors are used to cut Teddy’s hair, they know it is just a game!

Many adults forget this simple truth and go through life play-acting for real!

Just believing in something does not make you more conscious. You can believe that there are fairies at the bottom of the garden. However, belief alone won’t make you more conscious, nor the fairies more real.

Think about it this way. When you go to the hospital for an operation, and the anesthesiologist gives you drugs to “put you to sleep” while they operate, you go through stages from conscious to unconscious where you are not aware of anything.

Sleepwalking through life?

Zombie movies are very popular because so many people go through life like they are a sleepwalking zombie. They are in a constant sleep-like mild trance. Long ago, they suffered through suppression or abuse that fixated their attention. As time passes the original injury is long forgotten, however, their mental attention remains fixated on it as an unsolved problem. Too many of these issues lead to a sense of overwhelming malaise and an inability to be fully present to their surroundings. This mild trance makes them less aware, or in other words, less conscious.

If the majority of their attention is stuck on a long-ago problem, that remains unsolved, how much attention do they have available for today’s challenges? Or for that matter, how much attention is available for other people’s difficulties? Not much right?

Often these people complain about not feeling “present” and experience an inability to concentrate, focus, rest, and relax. Their minds are hyperactive one moment, and then immobilized the next moment by debilitating depression. Following a lot of effort, these people achieve a temporary sense of calm, but it doesn’t last. The slightest provocation jolts the hyperactive mental cycle again. If this is describing you, the way out is to become more aware of where your attention is fixated, doing something to heal, and over time you will improve and become more conscious.

You may be wondering if you can just pop a pill?

Psychedelic drugs and peak experiences?

Sure, you can try to alter your consciousness via drugs or other high-intensity experiences. It sounds very appealing to swallow a tonic or jump on the spot yelling chu-chu while waving your arms around. Surely then, you can avoid all the hard work of changing your nasty behavior and the labor-intensive process of actually becoming a better person by getting conscious quick! Just like get-rich-quick, get-spiritual-quick, get-conscious-quick is seductive as a shortcut, but does it work? Yes, and no.

Yes, these methods do lead to a temporary altered state of consciousness, however, is it sustainable and do they lead to better behavior? Do they make you a better person? Do your results improve?

Results can be measured, which means you can track an improvement in consciousness by looking at your results. Owning your results enables you to own your consciousness.

Maybe you are a selfish prig who only thinks of yourself, and after taking a psychedelic drug, you realize that there are other people whose needs matter as much as yours. Your consciousness expands, and you know that we are all interconnected, fellow travelers on spaceship earth and that if you sink one side of the ship, we all go down together? If this increase in awareness sticks, and it leads to a lasting change in your point of view and behavior, then congratulations you have altered your consciousness for the better. On the other hand, most people only experience a temporary increase in awareness and upon returning to their normal environment, old habits take over and before long it is as if nothing happened.

Surely, there must be more sustainable ways to make lasting improvements?

Yoga and Meditation?

Yoga and meditation offer a path to increase your body awareness, calm your mind and detach from the emotions of life’s roller coaster. Daily rituals and practice have many benefits. When combined with deliberate right-action and problem-solving, Yoga is very connecting and meditating brings a sense of calm, oneness, and insight. On the other hand, as with any practice, it can be used to support unethical and wrong action. Imagine the wife beating, serial cheating, husband who feels guilty and ashamed of their wrong actions. To alleviate their racing mind, and to dissipate the feelings of worthlessness, they meditate to detach from their emotion and quell the inner disquiet. Meditation offers temporary relief. However, lasting peace and serenity can only be achieved through diligent right action.

The application of right action includes taking right actions into the future as well as righting the wrong actions one has taken in the past. This can be done by making amends.

Seeing what cannot be seen with your eyes?

Awareness of one’s impact on others and their impact on you is beyond what you can see with your eyes. The more you can see in your mind’s eye, the more awareness, i.e., consciousness you develop. Consider the primate who is aware of their social relationships in the group. They keenly pay attention to every member jostling, competing and social game. However, when a member, steals their bunch of bananas behind their back, if they don’t see, it didn’t happen. They will notice the bananas gone. However, their ability to imagine what happened in their mind’s eye is limited. To this degree, their consciousness is limited primarily to what they see.

People who are fixated on their physical senses will experience limited perception other than what they see with their eyes. They often think to themselves “I will believe it when I see it.” However, as your consciousness increases your ability to see it in your mind’s eye, to creatively imagine, and to see a group’s social dynamics, motivations, hierarchy, and cliques go up!

The near-death experience?

Another surefire way to expand one’s consciousness is to go through a near-death experience. The history books are full of examples of people who had close brushes with death and in the moment of their imminent demise, realized that there is more to life than the constant self-interested, me too, merry go round.

The best investment you can make?

I believe that the best investment you can make is in activities, experiences, and education that challenges your beliefs, thinking, and expands your consciousness. You are alive and free to the degree you are conscious.

I have traveled to more than 500 cities in 54 countries and invested more than 30 years studying, analyzing and researching what consciousness is and how to develop my own. Rather than study how consciousness forms in the brain, I have focused on what it is, how to expand it and what are the key factors that stimulate and cause a quantum leap in consciousness.

When an entire society goes through a collective quantum leap in consciousness, a golden age of innovation, wealth, and prosperity ensues. The most notable example was the Renaissance of the 14th to 16th centuries.

My passion has been to discover how to stimulate our own Renaissance — a personal Golden Age and then to share it with others. Everything is better with friends!

I have found that the quest to create peak-experiences, combined with some analysis of what happened and why have led to higher understanding. Most people have experienced a peak experience state, however for many; it happens by chance.

There are deliberate steps you can take. I have discovered how to create the circumstances to invoke peak experiences anytime I choose and how to make it a way of life.

Would it surprise you to know that consciousness can be categorized and measured on a scale that can be extended to cover all the significant areas of life? Money, income, wealth, relationships, business, leadership, health, career, etc. No, there isn’t a unique NASA designed instrument to measure it! Even better, we can all measure it with some simple education and a system that makes it easy!

How? Easy! By looking at and categorizing your results, then work backward to your drivers and eventually your consciousness. My partner of 13 years, the late Anjou MacPherson and I created a system known as The OPTIMA Zones of Human Behavior & Peak Performance. The system explains the cycle of life, why we behave the way we do and why some people are more successful, happy and fulfilled while others seem to be caught up in an endless cycle of struggle for mere existence.

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle and are unhappy, while others seem to be in the right place at the right time are happy and fulfilled?

Most therapies, medical practices, and self-improvements systems focus on identifying dysfunction, treating it and becoming functional. Health is often viewed as the absence of disease.

The OPTIMA Zones were created to look at life holistically, from the big picture, ultimate, optimum and what is possible in an ideal condition and then work backward to identify varying stages of suboptimum all the way to nonexistence. Identifying where one is at versus where one could be if conditions were optimum, help to determine the best possible path to realizing the full potential in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort.

Without a holistic system, one would be lost without a map. If you have no idea where you are and no idea where you are going, then you would be lost and don’t even know it.

The OPTIMA Zones provide a detailed map. Including Seven Zones across 53 Dynamics of Life, Career, Business, Health, Wealth, Relationship, and Leadership.

The system focuses on measuring outcomes and what creates these outcomes. Improving performance can only happen when one starts with a baseline of performance to improve. It is important to note that this is a non-religious system used by people who maintain their current religious practice (for example Christian, Hindu, Buddist, Muslim, Sikh, etc.) while using the system. In fact, many users of the OPTIMA Zones report that their current religious practice is strengthened.

To learn more about the OPTIMA Zones, click > here

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