Lifeforce is one of the most misunderstood and little-known areas of life and yet it determines many of the aspects of your life, from your level of success, happiness, and potential failure.

You may be thinking that the idea of Lifeforce is absurd, woo woo, and based on ancient ideas that serve no practical use in modern day living. I can understand that point of view as the world is full of crackpot ideas, snake oil, and unproven remedies.

We don’t know if Lifeforce is a real substance or an emergent quality. It doesn’t matter. Why? Because you can’t see it, touch it, feel it, or taste it. However, you can measure, prove, and validate it by observing its effects. Results can be measured, effects can be observed. Anyone can do it.

When you have a lot of Lifeforce, your life flows effortlessly. When you have only a little Lifeforce, everything is a struggle. Can you recall days when you bounced out of bed and everything look bright? On the other hand, how about days when you had trouble waking up, dragged yourself out of bed, everything looked and felt gloomy?

Throughout history, many cultures have observed this essence and refer to it as Lifeforce, Élan Vital, Chi, Ki, Vital Spark, Mana, Silla, Baraka, Vim Vitae, etc.

When you are feeling down, lethargic or depressed — your available Lifeforce is low. When you are feeling “in the zone,” everything is going right, you feel serene, calm and at peace — your available Lifeforce is at a maximum.

Your Lifeforce is the purest essence of who you really are. It is YOU.

When you have all of your Lifeforce available, you are FULLY ALIVE, fully aware, healthy, vital, at cause over your life and operating at a very high level of mastery.

When your Lifeforce is trapped, suppressed or otherwise unavailable to you, you are NEARLY DEAD, partially unconscious, at effect in your life and operating at a very high level of incompetence.

All of life can be measured on a scale from FULLY ALIVE at the top to NEARLY DEAD at the bottom (in fact DEATH is the bottom of the scale.)

Most of us fluctuate somewhere from the top to the bottom, throughout the day, from day to day and year-to-year. On average we spend most of our time in one particular place or zone of the scale.

So, what makes the difference? How can we become more FULLY ALIVE? What traps and suppresses our Lifeforce?

That is the focus of this section…

What is Lifeforce?

Lifeforce is the universal animating energy that is in all living things. It is the purest essence of who you really are. It is YOU.

It is that immaterial force that maintains all living things and adds that vital spark that is LIFE.

Lifeforce is composed of a number of different characteristics, components, qualities and can be measured. These qualities include; love, attention, awareness, knowledge, intelligence, intention, vision, energy, magnetism, and emotion.

It is the FLOW of Lifeforce that shows up as your mood level or emotional tone. The slower the velocity of flow, the lower your mood level; the lower your mood, the less you can get done or accomplish. The higher your mood level the more productive and happier you are.

Lifeforce flows in one of two directions; towards or away from. This gives us positive and negative Lifeforce.

Your Lifeforce is your basic power source, your energy, your dynamic power. Therefore your power is determined by the quantity and quality of Lifeforce available to you.

Communication is the primary method of focusing and directing flows of Lifeforce. Therefore, your ability to direct, focus and harness your Lifeforce is totally dependent on your ability to communicate.

With all of your Lifeforce available, aligned and focused in present time you would be a fully realized, self-actualized human being. There isn’t anything you can’t be, do or have.

Learn more about Lifeforce and the OPTIMA Zones > here

What Are Emotions?

Emotion stands for Energy in Motion or in other words, it is the energy that creates our motion. It is the fuel that moves us. Just as there are positive and negative flows of Lifeforce, there are positive and negative flows of emotion.

Emotions range from feeling nothing or numb, all the way to feeling fully alive. Examples of emotions are; grief, fear, anger, enthusiasm, joy, and serenity.

For example; when you are attracted to something or are feeling enthusiasm you move towards it. When you are feeling angry you attack (which moves you toward and the target away.) When you are scared you move away from the potential threat. When you have given up you go numb.

Feeling numb isn’t an emotion. It is what you feel or experience when you can’t feel anything. In other words, numb is the absence of feeling.

Most of our actions as human beings are driven by our known and unknown emotions. How we feel about people, places, and events dictates how we behave.

From the time that we were small children, we were taught by the people we loved and trusted that there are good feelings and bad feelings. Good feelings are acceptable to feel and to express, whereas bad feelings are unacceptable to feel and definitely should not be expressed.

As we progress through life, we encounter all types of situations where it is normal to feel, express, and to experience a range of emotions that may be on our acceptable and unacceptable list! This often leads us to suppress bad feelings and over accentuate the good feelings.

This can lead to a disaster in relationships. Imagine you were brought up to believe that anger is OK to express and joy is not OK. What happens if you get together with a partner that thinks the opposite? Maybe they think that expressing joy is OK and that anger is not OK. This is one of the reasons people have so much conflict and end up miscommunicating.

To fully understand the role of emotions in our lives requires letting go of our childhood programming, as to what is an OK feeling and what is a not OK. Our judgments of good and bad have us suppressing what we consider to be bad and over-expressing what we consider to be good. Whenever we are over-expressing we are not being our authentic self and are acting. Acting takes a lot of energy to maintain.

Whenever we suppress a feeling, it stays locked within us and denies access to a part of our Lifeforce. This is because emotions are a vital component of Lifeforce. Whenever we block an emotion from flowing or don’t allow ourselves to feel it, we are blocking our Lifeforce.

This does not mean that we should express all our emotions inappropriately, or in a way that abuses others. What it does mean is that we allow ourselves to experience the feeling by allowing it to flow. When our feelings flow, so does our life. When our feelings are blocked our lives are filled with struggle.

The mastery and understanding of our emotions are essential to the understanding and mastery of life.

The OPTIMA Zones of Life

All of life can be measured on a scale from FULLY ALIVE at the top to NEARLY DEAD at the bottom (in fact DEATH is the bottom of the scale.) We call this scale that OPTIMA ZONES OF LIFE as it is divided into seven Zones, or categories.

Each Zone is represented by a color. The colors are GOLD, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, ORANGE, RED, and BROWN.

Most of us fluctuate somewhere from the top to the bottom, throughout the day, from day to day and year-to-year. On average we spend most of our time in one particular place or Zone of the scale.

Different areas of our life can be in different Zones. For example, your relationship could be in the Goldzone, and your career could be in the Yellowzone.

The scale explains a lot about human nature. You will see the entire cast of characters in your life and what you can expect from them.

Accompanying each Zone is a predominant emotion. Each emotion is a complete unvarying package of attitudes and behaviors.

The higher a person’s position on the scale the better they survive and thrive. They are more capable of obtaining the necessities of living, are happier, more alive, more confident, and competent. They are winning at life.

The lower a person drops on the scale the closer they are to death. They are losing, are less happy, less alive, less confident, less competent, and are losing at life.

A person in the GOLDZONE, BLUEZONE or GREENZONE doesn’t settle down on this scale; they maintain a high interest and enthusiasm for living. Although they may become upset and drop down in a REDZONE environment, they are resilient and recover quickly once they are free of the lower Zone influence.

Conversely, a person in the YELLOWZONE, REDZONE or BROWNZONE can have a moment of winning or success, however, it doesn’t last long and quickly return to their original Zone.

Learn more about Lifeforce and the OPTIMA Zones > here

What Traps Lifeforce?

Trapped Lifeforce is Lifeforce that is no longer available to you. This is like a car with less than all of its cylinders working. While it still works, the car is running on less than its full potential.

Lifeforce is trapped by one or more of the following:

* Abuse episodes

* Multiple Abuse episodes

* Failed goals

* Paradigm crashes

An Abuse Episode leads to Multiple Abuse Episodes, which leads to Failed Goals, which leads to a major Paradigm Crash where your life, performance, and relationships go into a steep decline.

A Paradigm is a set of ideas, rules, beliefs, values, theories, experiences, feelings and assumptions that make up your reality, how you perceive the world and how you create your outcomes.

Here is an example of the entire cycle in action:

Dr. Jones is an accomplished 42-year-old surgeon working in one of the country’s most well-known and respected city hospitals. Years of hard work have got him to where he is in life. He is popular, successful, and to any observer, happily married with a beautiful wife and two gorgeous children. The family lives in an upmarket neighborhood in what anyone would describe as a dream house.

The doctor works in a fully functioning, high-productivity department of the hospital. He enjoys life, and after working diligently for years, is promoted to a new department that is barely functioning at a minimum level. The department superintendent has worked there for years with a history of successful leadership in the past. However, the results of the department have steadily declined, and the superintendent is resistant to change. The doctor’s charter is to improve the efficiency of the department.

The doctor looks forward to joining the new team, feels excited, enthusiastic, and can’t wait for the challenge. As soon as he starts with the team, he observes how stressed, overworked, and on edge everyone is. Each team member is working separately, afraid of losing their job, competing with each other, and the department runs on drama.

The doctor meets with the superintendent with a well thought out list of suggestions to improve the department and to enhance the working conditions. The superintendent isn’t impressed and, in a loud and angry voice, informs the doctor to mind his own business, stick to being a surgeon, and leave administration alone. The doctor is shocked, feels rejected, and can’t believe that the superintendent is so reactive!

Here we have an Abuse Episode.

The doctor doesn’t like it but makes excuses to justify why this happened. After a while of keeping his head down, he becomes concerned about patient safety and working conditions. Building up the courage, he approaches the superintendent on several occasions, each time trying different approaches to get his point across. He is rebuked and told to “mind his own business.”

Secretly, the superintendent is feeling threatened by the doctor and undermines him with the team. He deliberately sets people against each other and ferments gossip and distrust. Envious of the doctor’s good looks and popularity, he is friendly to him, but behind the scenes spreads gossip and rumors that are unfounded.

Here we have Repeat and Multiple Abuse Episodes.

Feeling defeated and losing confidence in his ability, the doctor doubts he is capable of improving the department, and with declining team relationships, the doctor feels like a failure.

Here we have a Failed Goal.

Feeling more and more out of alignment with his values, the doctor’s level of stress steadily increases. He eats more junk food and stops exercising. He gains weight, slowly at first and then more and more over time. He doesn’t sleep very well, and his health declines. To deal with his feelings of failure, and to alleviate the pressure, the doctor turns to alcohol. One night, after a heavy drinking session, the doctor gets up late with a terrible hangover.

Rushing to the hospital, the doctor arrives late for surgery. The smell of alcohol lingers on his breath. The team is horrified by his attitude and lets him know in no uncertain terms. Sadly, due to inept handling combined with the lack of preparation time, the surgery is a disaster, and the doctor makes a significant error. The patient is enraged, demands compensation, and after tough negotiations, files a lawsuit naming the doctor and hospital as codefendants.

The superintendent fires the doctor without notice, citing reports of multiple issues from the team. The lawsuit is complicated, long drawn out, and expensive. The cost adds up, and little by little, the doctor is late with his minimum credit card and mortgage payments. Insurance policies lapse. 

In a desperate financial position, the doctor sells his house, and under immense pressure, becomes more and more abusive towards his family. Alienated from his wife, the doctor drinks heavily and stays out late. Eventually, she has had enough of broken promises and financial ruin, leaves and takes the children.

Here we have a Failed Goal, which leads directly to a significant Paradigm Crash.

If the doctor does nothing to see the truth of what happened, track down the root causes, and reclaim his Lifeforce, he may never reach the same level of success and happiness again. He may also become stuck in a repeating pattern of experiencing variations of this same theme, over and over.

What is an Abuse Episode?

An Abuse Episode is defined as anything that happens to you, or any situation, occurrence, communication, action or event that you did not want. In other words, you are victimized. It also includes what you have done to others as a victimizer.

Abuse Episodes begin during prenatal times and continue through adulthood. The cycle of abuse is ended when we exercise our self-determination and become a fully realized, self-actualized human being.

Most people live at the effect of other people’s actions and decisions. As a result, they are at “effect” and not fully at “cause” over their life. Anytime you are at effect, you are a potential victim of abuse.

As a dependent child, we had no choice. However, as an adult, we have full choice over our environments and relationships. Full choice requires total responsibility for yourself.

Abuse Episodes include (but are not limited to:)

* abandonment

* accidents

* broken love affairs

* codependent relationships

* controlling relationships

* deception

* disease

* domination

* emotional manipulation

* failure

* forced labor

* forced values and beliefs

* invalidation

* lack of love

* malnutrition

* misrepresentation

* neglect

* out-integrity

* poverty

* ridicule

* sexual violation

* sleep deprivation

* substance dependence

* suppressed communication

* toxic environments

* verbal criticism

* violence

How Does the Lifeforce of Those Around Me, Affect Me?

Lifeforce flows in one of two directions; towards or away from. If for example, you are in the Greenzone and your partner is in the Redzone, you will be pulled down the scale and they will come slightly up the scale. If you were to remain in the Greenzone, you would be expending a lot of your Lifeforce to pull them up.

Either way, your partner is feeling more positive emotions, and you are feeling lower emotionally as a result. In the business context, if you are the leader and you are in the Greenzone and you have a team who are predominantly in the Orangezone, you will be pulled into the Yellowzone and will be communicating in an angry, dominating way. This may not be your natural style, however, it is unavoidable with an Orangezone team. The team will feel scared of you and will respond by becoming “yes” people, all the while complaining behind your back and feeling resentful.

As you can imagine, this is very draining!

The solution is to hire only Greenzone and above team members. If you find it difficult to identify a suitable Greenzone person, then how about Yellowzone? If you still cannot find a suitable candidate then an Orangezone teammate is the worst case. If you settle for a Brownzone or Redzone person, you will end up with someone who works against your success, against your agenda and will end up being a total liability!

This distinction will save you a lot of time, money and energy.

As you can see your choice of partners and team members is very important.

How Does Lifeforce Affect My Health?

There is a direct correlation between health, fitness and the OPTIMA Zones of Life.

Many health problems stem from a chronic lack of available Lifeforce. In traditional western medicine, a lot of attention is placed on the physical symptom, with little thought or consideration of what the root cause is.

However, it is now widely accepted that healing has a metaphysical component which is as important as the physical causes.

Lifeforce is a vital ingredient in the healing process. This is why children often heal so quickly; they have more available Lifeforce.

When your life is Greenzone and above, you are immune to the most common viruses, colds flues etc. You very rarely get sick or have any health problems. If you do get sick you recover rapidly.

On the other hand, people who are low energy, low Lifeforce and most of their lives are played out on the lower zones, are prone to catching everything that is going around and often suffers from many psychosomatic illnesses.

How Do I Recover Lifeforce?

There are five primary methods of recovering Lifeforce.

1. Self-love and nurturing

The basis of all Lifeforce recovery is to love and nurture yourself. This is the beginning, as it is the opposite of an Abuse Episode. Making positive changes that remove all abusive situations, people, places, and environments are the basis of self-love and the key to recovering your Lifeforce.

2. Change of environment

There are positive Lifeforce environments and negative Lifeforce environments. Your environment is either adding to or enhancing your Lifeforce or it is taking away from or depleting it.

Air quality, lighting, noise level, sanitation, colors, aromas etc. are all environmental factors. Living in the inner city, without green living plants and with a lot of noise pollution is very depleting of Lifeforce. If you are living in the inner city, there are ways to infuse your environment with life-giving properties.

3. Positive Major life change (career, health, relationship)

Making a self-determined change to improve the quality of your career, health or relationship can release a huge amount of trapped and previously unavailable Lifeforce.

4. Upgrading Knowledge

Acquiring new knowledge and skills through education can free up your Lifeforce by getting solutions to problems and putting order into confusion.

By education, we mean the process of self-discovery where you find your own solutions within yourself.

Traditional education is based on the teacher being the authority, and the student is graded on right and wrong answers that are based primarily on memory. There is no practice or application to real life. This traps more and more Lifeforce making the student duller and duller.

5. Following a formal system

A formal system is the fastest and most direct route to identify and recover areas where your Lifeforce is trapped. It also gives you ongoing methods of enhancing your Lifeforce.

The process begins by identifying which Zones your major areas of life are in and then moves you up the Zones area by area. Because it is a system, results are predictable and relatively consistent.

After working with thousands of people from all walks of life we developed a comprehensive system called the Optima Program.

How Do I Protect My Lifeforce?

Your Lifeforce is equivalent in value to your “GOLD.” It is your most precious asset, your power source, your élan vital. We live in a world that is filled with abusive people, environments, and situations. What we eat, how we live, what we watch, what we read, who we spend our time with, and what we listen to all have an impact on our Lifeforce.

Everything is either adding to or depleting this vital energy. The key to protecting and enhancing your Lifeforce is to be aware and vigilantly protect your most valuable asset.

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