Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



A fictitious country that is designed from scratch to personify all the excesses of capitalism, greed, workaholism, and consumerism to create a society that is soulless, heartless, and unhappy. The value of citizens is measured by their job title, salary, and sacrifices made in the pursuit of money, wealth, status, success, and recognition. Love is measured by external factors, rather than internally, inequality reaches extreme levels with an attitude towards the less fortunate that they have access to the same opportunities and don’t make anything of themselves, therefore they are undeserving. The media spews bad news, while the future is talked up frantically with pollyanna optimism. Art, aesthetic, nature, philosophy, and spirituality are devalued and discouraged as wastes of time and opportunity. Rich celebrities and capitalists are celebrated while kindness and compassion are marginalized due to a low perceived ROI. Working longer and longer hours are seen as heroic with intense competition for who can sacrifice the most personal life for the career, for success, and for recognition. Vacations are frowned on for people who are not committed. An inability to relax leads to a frenetic pace of life that is classic time poverty, with heart disease and depression masked by fashion, youth, and artificial beauty.


1. The probability or threat of loss, liability, damage or any other negative occurrence and that may be avoided through preemptive action. 2. The probability that an actual return on an investment will be lower than expected. 3. Can be divided into categories: emotional risk, relationship risk, physical risk, political risk, sovereign risk, operational risk, financial risk. 4. Risk can be reduced through preemptive action including; buying insurance, education, and experience.

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