Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders


Red Herring

Something that intentionally misleads or distracts from the real problem, matter at hand, or important issue. It may be an emotional issue, logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers, audiences or participants towards a false conclusion. When two people are disagreeing over who is to blame for a problem, one party will often accuse the other or divert attention from themselves using one or several red herrings.


1. The 2nd out of 7 zones on the Optima Zones scale. 2. The person in this zone has succumbed to loss, death, and failure. Nothing works for them and one failure leads to another. They are in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, taking the wrong actions. Obsessed with security, this person is driven by fixed ideas and wrong data. 3. As a leader, the Redzone person is reactive, abdicate, and avoid responsibility.

Redzone Paradigm

A reality or way of operating that produces a Redzone result.

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