Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



The position, job, or function one holds in a given activity or performance in relation to the other participants. It includes all the duties, rules, and actions of the position.

Rule of 72

A shortcut to estimate the number of years required to double your money at a given annual rate of return. Divide the rate, expressed as a percentage, into 72. Years required to double an investment = 72 ÷ compound annual interest rate. For example, if you start with $1,000 and want to know how long it will take to double to $2,000 at an interest rate of 20%, then the calculation is: 72 ÷ 20 = 3.6 years.

Rules of The Game

A list of 13 Rules that Goldzone Team Members and Leaders agree to operate by. These rules form the context for participation on the team and allow each team member to operate in a safe environment. Any team that implements these rules will get more done in less time, with the minimum of effort.

Rules of The Game

A list of 13 Rules that Goldzone Team Members, Partners, and Leaders agree to operate by.  These rules form the context for participation on the team and allow each team member to operate in a high-performance and safe environment.  Any team that implements these rules will get more done in less time, with the minimum of effort.

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