Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



A series of seminars, programs, and services that support a person, company or organization to realize their vision or optimum outcomes. The technology of moving up the Optima Zones to access, live and operate in the Goldzone.


Best or most favorable, esp. under a particular set of circumstances.


A process of orchestrating the efforts of all components toward achievement of the stated aim. If you optimize the pieces of a system you won’t optimize the whole.


1. The most favorable conditions. 2. The best or most favorable situation. 3. The best possible compromise between two opposing positions, tendencies, etc.

Optimum Solution

1. The solution which brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. 2. The most favorable and effective method or process of dealing with a problem,


A type of derivative security that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price on or before a given date.

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