Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders


Orangezone Paradigm

A reality or way of operating that produces an Orangezone result.

Out of Exchange

1. The act or instance of giving one thing and receiving another in its place of unequal value. 2. Whenever an item of value is exchanged for another, or taken without agreement both parties are imbalanced. To ensure an equitable relationship, both parties must be in exchange. 3. When one party takes more space in a dialogue, they are overtaking and the exchange is imbalanced leading to a lessening of affinity, increased resentment and eventually hostility. The party that has taken more often resorts to criticism, suppression or minimization to reduce the imbalance. Many relationships dissolve due to an imbalance in exchange. 4. A person who knowingly takes more than they are in exchange for increases their shame. 5. A person who gives more than they receive becomes resentful and begins to withhold. 6. A person who feels unworthy has difficulty receiving. 7. A person with inadequate havingness will receive but not be able to keep what they receive. They will rapidly find ways to get rid of what they received. 8. Over giving to a person who is out of exchange will turn them into a criminal and they will act more over time consistent with being a criminal. 9 Ensuring all your money, work, relationship and family interactions are in exchange leads to optimum flow in life.


1. A result or effect; consequence. Outcomes are what come about from the implementations of plans.


1. To be indebted to the amount of: He owes me five dollars. 2. To have a moral or legal obligation to render or offer: I owe them an apology. 3. To be in debt to: We owe the plumber for services rendered. 4. To be indebted or obliged for: owed their riches to oil; owes her good health to diet and exercise. 5. To bear (a certain feeling) toward a person or persons: You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge.

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