Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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1. A definite, distinct occurrence; an event. 2. A usually violent or disruptive occurrence, especially one that precipitates a larger crisis. 3. An occurrence that interrupts normal procedure or functioning; a mishap. 4. A traumatic event that is recorded into memory with full emotional content, heightened perception, decisions, and postulates. Conclusions formed from these incidents are intended to aid success and survival, however, inaccurate perception often leads to wrong conclusions, less success, and lower survival ability.


1. The amount of money received over a period of time either as payment for work, goods, services or as profit on capital. 2. A coming in or flowing in.


The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. Central banks attempt to limit inflation and avoid deflation, in order to keep the economy running smoothly. The real value of a unit of currency today is less than it was yesterday due to rising prices.


1. The part of a person that criticizes everything they do, doubts what they do, doesn’t think they are good enough, creates negative thoughts, is cynical, is never satisfied, and is a perfectionist. This can manifest as a distinctive personality, identity and voice. 2. The Inner-Villain that plays the role of internal antagonist. As a person works on developing the qualities of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion they disengage with these self-limiting roles that make them a victim of themselves.


1. The entire unimpaired state of anything 2. Moral soundness and purity; incorrupt; upright, honest. 3. Wholeness, soundness. 3. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.

Integrity Process

A process that enables a person to reveal their harmful acts so that they no longer withhold or cover them up. This enhances their personal integrity, reduces their shame, frees up their trapped Lifeforce and leads to peace, serenity, well-being and happiness.

Intellectual Property

Intangible assets that are products of the intellect that is the result of creativity, with commercial value including trademarks, copyrighted property such as literary or artistic works, patents, business methods, ideas, know-how, systems, and industrial processes, etc.


1. The capacity of the mind to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings, acquire knowledge, and apply it to practice; the ability to learn and comprehend. 2. The ability to recognize differences, similarities, and identities. 3. The ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems.


1. To form in the mind a plan of action; design. 2. To determine to act in a particular manner.


1. A plan of action; a design. 2. An aim that guides action; an object. 3. A determination to act in a particular manner.

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