Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



1. The state where everything flows and is effortless. 2. A person operating in the Goldzone is a fully-realized, self-actualized, optimum human being. Their usual mood level is serene, the state of grace. For this person, creation, manifestation and the extraordinary are a way of life. 3. A person who’s word “is as good as gold.” 4. The Optimum condition of any mechanical operation, team, organization or area. 5. The best or most favorable point, degree, amount, etc., as of temperature, light, and moisture for the growth or reproduction of an organism. 6. The greatest degree or best result obtained or obtainable under specific conditions. 7. A person of great wealth or great moneymaking ability. 8. A person who is living, working and operating in the Dream Paradigm. 9. The 7th out of 7 zones on the Optima Zones scale. 10. As a leader, the Goldzone person is inspiring, visionary, and synergistic.

Goldzone Leader

1. A leader who is operating from the New-Paradigm of partnership, cooperation, and team. They are inspiring, visionary, and synergistic. 2. This person has mastered all 7 levels of the Optima Zones of Leadership and can move up and down the scale at will to exercise situational leadership. 3. As an individual they are equanimous, having the ability to experience and express the entire range of emotions comfortably. 4. A person who has mastered a high degree of leadership knowledge, skill and possesses a wide range of general knowledge.

Goldzone Living

1. A way of living, being, communicating and relating where extraordinary results are a part of everyday life. 2. A way of life that that is integrated and holistic, making all areas important and not sacrificing one area for another. 3. A different way of thinking that looks for the ideal scenario, that is most sustainable. 4. A focus on prioritizing and nurturing deep meaningful relationships, love, connection and intimacy, vital and regenerative health, expanding assets, increasing income, wealth and money in abundance, creative and inspired self-expression, a career that totally fulfills, a business that adds value, vibrant energy and the time to enjoy what we love with the people we love.

Goldzone Paradigm

1. The thoughtforms, rules, beliefs, and operating assumptions that produces a Goldzone result. 2. The framework containing basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a Goldzone community.

Powered by Goldzone & Site by Andrew John Harrison