Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders


Conventional Wisdom

The ideas, explanations, and beliefs that are generally accepted as true by the general public or experts in the field. Though widely held, these ideas and pieces of advice are neither examined or validated. Many of these thought forms are no longer true (if they ever were), perpetuating them maintains the status quo.

Covert Hostility

1. A term used interchangeably with Passive Aggressive to describe behavior that is disguised hostility and aggression. 2. Hatred, hostility, and aggression that is disguised by a pretense of friendliness interspersed with negative, cruel or cutting remarks; for example, “What a beautiful dress; I saw one just like it at the Salvation Army the other day.”


1. A skill or ability in something, proficiency; expertness. 2. One who is a master of a body of knowledge and has his skills to such a degree that he can produce his products consistently and of the highest quality. 3. The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; craft, artistry, artisan. 4. An artist.


1. To cause to happen or to exist; bring into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes. 2. To evolve from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention. 3. To cause to bring about; arrange, as by intention or design.


1. Commendation or approval, as for an act or quality: she was given credit for her work. 2. A person or thing serving as a source of good influence, repute, ability, etc: a credit to the team. 3. The quality of being believable or trustworthy: that statement had credit. 4. Influence or reputation coming from the approval or good opinion of others: he acquired credit within the community. 5. Belief in the truth, reliability, quality, etc, of someone or something: I would give credit to that philosophy. 6. A sum of money or equivalent purchasing power, as at a shop, available for a person’s use. 7. The positive balance in a person’s bank account. 8. The sum of money that a bank makes available to a client in excess of any deposit. 8. The practice of permitting a buyer to receive goods or services before payment.
9. Reputation for solvency and commercial or financial probity, inducing confidence among creditors. 10. Acknowledgment of an income, liability, or capital item by entry on the right-hand side of an account. 11. A distinction awarded to an examination candidate obtaining good marks.


1.The act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything; censure, faultfinding. 2. The act or art of analyzing and evaluating or judging the quality of a literary or artistic work, musical performance, art exhibit, dramatic production, etc. 3. Most social criticism is a justification of having intentionally committed a harmful action and is an effort to reduce or minimize the target of the harmful action.


1. Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money. 2. Transmission from person to person as a medium of exchange; circulation: coins now in currency. 3. General acceptance or use; prevalence: the currency of a slang term4. The state of being current; up-to-dateness.


1. The next person or entity in the business flow who receives the output of the preceding person or entity (supplier) in the form of a product, service or information. 2. A person one has to deal with. 3. Attracting customers is the primary goal of most businesses because it is the customer who creates demand for goods and services.

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