1. The interchange of ideas, thoughts, concepts, and feelings between two or more people. It includes duplication and comprehension by both the sender and receiver. 2. The act of making known, imparting. 3. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood.
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The interest on a loan is added to the principal so that the interest also earns interest. This addition of interest to the principal is called compounding. Over time the compounding effect accelerates. Increasing the interest rate, term, or principal amount maximizes the effect. For example, a $1,000 investment, earning 20% annual interest, over ten years, accumulates a total of $7,385.01.
1. To grasp mentally; understand or know. 2. To take in, include, or embrace; comprise.
1. The act or fact of comprehending; understanding. 2. The knowledge that is acquired through comprehending. 3. The capacity to include; comprehensiveness.
1. Focus all one’s attention or mental ability. 2. The action of harnessing positive Lifeforce, directing it by intention to flow through a vision of what you want to achieve and a plan of how to achieve it, and manifesting the vision exactly in the physical. 3. To converge towards a center, become compacted or intensified.
1. An action of being able to face without flinching or avoiding. 2. The ability to be there comfortably and perceive. 3. Meet (someone) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent. 4. Face up to and deal with (a problem or difficult situation). 5. Compel (someone) to face or consider something, especially by way of accusation.
1. The conscious aspect of the mind that is aware of something external and internal, the present moment, thinks, observes data, remembers, and resolves problems. 2. Sentience, awareness, the ability to feel and experience. 3. The executive function of the mind that acts versus the unconscious mind that reacts.
1. The state or condition of being conscious; awareness. 2. A sense of one’s personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or group. 3. Awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: consciousness of wrongdoing. 4. Concern, interest, or awareness: class consciousness. 5. the mental activity of which a person is aware, contrasted with unconscious thought. 6. The mind or the mental faculties, characterized by thought, feelings, and volition. 7. To raise one’s consciousness means to make or become aware of one’s own or another’s needs, attitudes, etc.
1. The disposition to preserve or restore established traditions and limit change. 2. Opposition to change and innovation. 3. A political philosophy advocating the preservation and restoration of the established order in society and opposing change.