
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

glossary Page 21 of 40


1. To form in the mind a plan of action; design. 2. To determine to act in a particular manner.


1. A plan of action; a design. 2. An aim that guides action; an object. 3. A determination to act in a particular manner.


1. A feeling of wanting to know or find out about something. 2. Interest is more consideration than attention and is, therefore, attention with intention. 3. Attention with an intention to give or attract attention. 4. A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something. 5. A right, claim, or legal share: an interest in the new company. 6. Something in which such a right, claim or share is held. 7. A person or group of persons holding such a right, claim or share. 8. Involvement with or participation in something. 9. A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.


1. The state of feeling or showing interest, sympathy or curiosity. 2. Possessing a right, claim, or stake.


Arousing interest; holding one’s attention; of interest.


1. Looking closely and being predominantly concerned with his or her own thoughts and feelings rather than external things. 2. The act or process of introverting or the condition of being introverted.


1. To make void; render invalid. 2. Remove the validity or force of (a treaty, contract, etc.) 3. Invalidation by words is the symbolic level of being struck. 4. A psychological technique used to minimize, intimidate, dominate, suppress, or subordinate one person to another. Criticism is often used to this end. 5. The act of minimizing, judging, shaming, dismissing, ignoring, or rejecting someone’s ideas, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.


1. To spend or utilize your attention, time, money or effort for future advantage or benefit. 2. To commit (money or capital) in order to gain a financial return: invested their savings in stocks and bonds. 3. To devote morally or psychologically, as to a purpose; commit.
To endow with authority or power. 4. To install in office with a ceremony. 5. To provide with an enveloping or pervasive quality.


1. The outlay of money, for example, by depositing it in a bank or buying stock in a company, with the object of making a profit. 2. An amount of money invested in something for the purpose of making a profit. 3. Something such as a company, endeavor, or object that money is invested in with the goal of making a profit. 4. A contribution of something such as time, energy, or effort to an activity, project, or undertaking, in the expectation of a benefit. 5. A purchase, especially something that somebody should be able to use for a relatively long time (informal.) 6. The outlay of money that a company’s existing buildings, equipment, and materials are equivalent to.

Investment Advisor

1. A person making investment recommendations in return for a flat fee or percentage of assets managed, known as a commission. 2. An individual who has the day-to-day responsibility of investing and monitoring the cash and securities within a fund’s portfolio in order to achieve the fund’s objectives.

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