
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

glossary Page 15 of 40

Financial Mobility

The ability of an individual, family or group to improve their economic status, usually measured in income. Financial (also known as Economic Mobility) often leads to social mobility. Lack of Financial Literacy leads to downward mobility and declining social status.

Financial Plan

A working document that includes a vision statement, long and short term financial goals, current income and expense statements, balance sheet, cash flow forecast, asset allocation plans, return on investment metrics, tax liabilities and management, life, income and medical insurance policies, financial records archive, future estate and retirement plans, opportunity cost analysis, measurement metrics and milestones, specific action plans to achieve the stated goals, as well as contingency arrangements, alternative courses of action and critical path analysis.

Financial Security

1. The state of living without fear, worry, or concern about a person’s ability to meet their basic financial needs. 2. Peace of mind that current income is sufficient to cover current and unexpected expenses. 3. Confidence that a person can respond effectively to any loss of income, increase in expenses, or unexpected expense. 4. A person’s ability to maintain their standard of living despite an uncertain economy, unexpected expenses, health crisis, or disability. 5. Protection from or resilience against potential financial loss or harm caused by others. 6. Each person’s cost of living, expenses, and lifestyle are different depending on where they live, work, and enjoy leisure time and activities. Therefore, no standard measure or amount of money defines Financial Security as it is deeply personal. If a person is emotionally insecure, no amount of financial resources will have them feeling secure. On the contrary, more considerable available resources necessitate increased reliance on the advice and support of other people, thus exaggerating a person’s emotional insecurity.


The growing scale, profitability, and level of importance of the finance sector relative to the rest of the economy. In the United States, employment and total sales of the finance industry grew from 10% of GDP in 1970 to 20% by 2010. The emphasis has shifted from making things to making money from money. The effects of this change are felt by everyone in the following ways: 1. Increased level of importance of money and finance in our everyday lives. 2. Increased complexity and level of sophistication required to understand and manage finance. 3. Increased income inequality due to the widening gap become making money from labor, making and selling things, to highly leveraged financial products that make money with money. 4. Increasing debt and the risks associated with the asset and debt bubbles, which when they collapse, cause massive financial destruction to everyone.

Fixed Ideas

1. An often unreasonable idea that may or may not have been true at one time and has become fixed, immovable, and inaccurate despite evidence to the contrary or efforts to ignore it; an obsession. Usually, the person refuses to examine or dismantle these ideas. Some examples are: “I’m too old.” “I’m too young.” “Children should be seen and not heard.” “I cannot trust anyone.” “I’d better do it myself.” “I can’t do that.” 2. Something accepted without personal inspection or agreement.


1. To move or be moved freely from one place to another in large numbers or amounts in a steady unbroken stream. 2. To move through the veins and arteries of the body (refers especially to blood) 3. To be expressed uninhibitedly and eloquently. 4. To be readily available and consumed in large amounts. 5. To be experienced very intensely, often in a way that is visible to other people. 6. To derive from something as a result or series of results (literary.) 7. To fall or hang loosely and gracefully. 8. To move toward the land as the tide rises (refers to the sea or tidal water.) 9. To change shape gradually in response to pressure without the development of cracks or fissures. 10. The steady unbroken stream of people, goods, vehicles, money, or information from one place to another. 11. The continuous eloquent expression of thoughts or ideas in speech or writing. 12. Psychological and physical experience in which challenges presented is perfectly matched by the participants’ skills, often resulting in heightened states of awareness, confidence, and performance.


1. The center of interest or activity. 2. To direct toward a particular point or purpose. 3. A point of convergence of light or other electromagnetic radiation, particles, sound waves, etc, or a point from which they appear to diverge. 4. The place where a visual image is clearly formed, as in the minds-eye, or camera, that sets in motion what is imagined so that it can be manifested in physical reality.


1. The capacity to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, or active power. 2. Power made operative against resistance; exertion. 3. The use of physical power or violence to compel or restrain. 4. Intellectual power or vigor, especially as conveyed in writing or speech. 5. Moral strength. 6. A capacity for affecting the mind or behavior; efficacy. 6. One that possesses such capacity: the forces of evil. 7. A body of persons or other resources organized or available for a certain purpose: a large labor force. 8. A person or group capable of influential action: a retired senator who is still a force in national politics. 9. Military strength. 10. A vector quantity that tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application. Newton’s second law of motion states that a free body accelerates in the direction of the applied force and that its acceleration is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to its mass. 11. Power; exerted strength or impetus; intense effort. 12. Cause or produce by effort. 13. Attain by strength or effort. 14. Seek to demand quick results from; accelerate the process of. 15. Energy with some direction. 16. Guided by the paradigm, force is what impels the particles and energy into space and time which causes something to manifest. 17. The quality and quantity of force alone determine the velocity of manifestation of an idea, plan or vision.


1. To cease to project blame and release feelings of anger, resentment, grief, etc. towards a real or perceived offender or perpetrator. 2. The result of fully releasing the trapped emotional energy from a perpetration or violation. 3. To relent, give up, and stop wanting to punish or exact retribution. 4. To absolve a debt from payment. 5. To grant pardon for a mistake, absolve of penalty, free from obligation.


1. The act of forgiveness. 2. The state of being forgiven. 3. The disposition of being willing to forgive. 4. The intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings. 4. A legal term for absolving or giving up all claims on account of debt, loan, obligation, or other claims. 5. Clemency offered by the victor to the vanquished in a struggle, fight or military engagement. 6. Often granted without any expectation of Restorative Justice, and without any response on the part of the offender. 7. If there is an ongoing relationship that both parties wish to continue and even strengthen, it may be necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, an apology, make token amends, or even just ask for forgiveness, in order for the wronged person to forgive fully. 8. Most religions include teachings on the virtue of forgiveness of one another and the need to find some sort of divine forgiveness for their own shortcomings. 9. From a psychological viewpoint, letting go of resentment, bitterness, blame, retribution, vengeance, anger, and hostility towards people who are perceived to have harmed or perpetrated has a positive impact on all their relationships, their physical health, and overall wellbeing. it often takes a crisis or near death experience for people to let go, which can have a rejuvenating and anti-aging effect.

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