Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders


Virtual Advisor

The Virtual Advisor is a free service where you ask a question about a leadership, business, personal or relationship challenge and one of our expert advisors/mentors will reply with an answer. You can expect a reply within 48 hours.


1. Personal qualities, goodness, moral excellence that are inherent in, acquired and demonstrated by an individual. They make up the essence of who we are and how we show up to others. Each positive virtue has at least two corresponding negative aspects or vices. 2. Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή “arete”) a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of the principle of collective and individual greatness. The Golden Mean is the middle path between the two extremes (vices) on the continuum. 3. The most pro-survival individual qualities for the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

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