Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



A detailed schedule, program, system, or method worked out for the attainment of an objective. 2. A proposed project. 3. A systematic arrangement of details; an outline or sketch. The plan is what you have to do to attain the vision and dream. It includes what your products are, what you need to keep score of to observe whether you are winning or losing, what roles you will have to play, and what knowledge and skills are vital to succeeding.


1. The sequence of events in a story where the main character is in a challenging situation forces them to make increasingly difficult choices, driving the story toward a climactic event and resolution. When put together, the cause and effect relationship between the events in a story forms the plot. 2. When recounted in detail, the story of a person’s life resembles the plot in a novel. Roles, identities, games, situations, and events are interrelated and dependent on each other. Many events repeat the same scenarios with different characters, places, and times. For example, suppose you had an overbearing and critical father. In that case, you may find yourself working for a domineering and critical boss, so you resign and get a new job with a boss that looks different, only to discover that this new boss is domineering and critical too!

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