Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



1. An exact copy of something, not the thing itself. 2. One theory of the mind states that all physical perceptions, effort, emotion, and thought which a person experiences are recorded continuously, and these recordings can be referred to as “facsimiles.”

Fair Value

The price agreed to acquire a product, service or asset between a knowledgeable and willing buyer and a knowledgeable and willing seller assuming that each party is operating in their own self-interest and the transaction is conducted at arm’s length.

False Conclusion

In the process of everyday life, we make decisions after evaluating data from various sources, knowledge, past experiences, other peoples’ opinions, etc. If any of the premises or data inputs is wrong, it may lead us to a conclusion that is not accurate or false. In order to process large amounts of data in the shortest period of time, our brains use previous assumptions to evaluate and make a decision. If one or several of the past assumptions was or has become false or inaccurate, it will lead to successive inaccurate conclusions. Holistic education is the most effective way to develop emotional intelligence and critical thinking. For most adults, unlearning inaccurate conclusions, false assumptions and replacing these with newer, more effective models of the world, data and critical thinking skills provides a foundation for upward social and financial mobility.

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