1. The state of living without fear, worry, or concern about a person’s ability to meet their basic financial needs. 2. Peace of mind that current income is sufficient to cover current and unexpected expenses. 3. Confidence that a person can respond effectively to any loss of income, increase in expenses, or unexpected expense. 4. A person’s ability to maintain their standard of living despite an uncertain economy, unexpected expenses, health crisis, or disability. 5. Protection from or resilience against potential financial loss or harm caused by others. 6. Each person’s cost of living, expenses, and lifestyle are different depending on where they live, work, and enjoy leisure time and activities. Therefore, no standard measure or amount of money defines Financial Security as it is deeply personal. If a person is emotionally insecure, no amount of financial resources will have them feeling secure. On the contrary, more considerable available resources necessitate increased reliance on the advice and support of other people, thus exaggerating a person’s emotional insecurity.
Leadership Advocate and Co-Founder of the Goldzone Group. I help leaders to master the new rules of leadership for the new economy. Over the past 30 years, I have visited more than 500 cities in 54 countries to explore, learn from, and help many of the world’s leading companies, leaders, and luminaries in science, technology, health, finance, and entrepreneurship.