1. The state of being calm, stable, and composed, especially under stress. Derived from “aequus,” a Latin adjective meaning level or equal. From the combination of aequus and animus (soul or mind) in the Latin phrase aequo animo, which means “with even mind.” 2. To the degree that you develop your Emotional Intelligence, you will also increase your stability. 3. Unresolved painful emotional experiences from your past detract from your ability to maintain equanimity. 4. The state where you can maintain your emotional state or mood without absorbing, reacting, or being affected by another person’s negative expression of emotions.
Leadership Advocate and Co-Founder of the Goldzone Group. I help leaders to master the new rules of leadership for the new economy. Over the past 30 years, I have visited more than 500 cities in 54 countries to explore, learn from, and help many of the world’s leading companies, leaders, and luminaries in science, technology, health, finance, and entrepreneurship.