Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



1. The psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another person. 2. To understand the perspective, experiences, or motivations and share another individual’s emotional state. 3. The imaginative ascribing or projection onto an object or work of art, one’s own feelings, thoughts or attitudes.

Empirical Fact

A fact that is established by observation, not established by theory or reason.


1. To provide work to a person for payment. 2. To engage the attention or activity of; occupy: employed himself for an hour reading blogs. 2. To put (something to use or service: employed a knife to open the envelope; employed her skills in the new role. 3. To devote (time, for example) to an activity or purpose: employed several months in learning to speak French. 4. The state of being employed: in the employ of the company.

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