Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders



1. The separating of something into its components or parts in order to find out what it contains, or to study the structure as a whole. 2. The study of such constituent parts and their interrelationships in making up a whole. 3. A spoken or written presentation of such study.


1. The condition or state of being analytical.


1. Separating a whole into its components or parts; using the process of analysis 2. Concerned with or based on analysis.


1. A feeling or desire to hit out at someone or something that may result from a real or perceived injury, mistreatment, opposition, etc. wrath; indignation; rage; ire. 2. Implies emotional agitation of varying intensity aroused by great displeasure.


1. A current of air, wind, air, breath, the vital principle, life, and soul. 2. The inner self (not the external persona) of a person in touch with the unconscious instead of the persona. 3. The unconscious feminine aspect of a person (Jungian psychology.)


  1. Hostility or ill feeling. 2. Motivation to do something. 3. The animating spirit. 4. Jung’s term for the masculine part of a woman’s personality. 5. That life-giving aspect that animates a thing: life, lifeforce, soul, vitality.


1. Mutual resistance; opposition; hostility. 2. The condition of being an opposing principle, force or factor.


1. Hostile; unfriendly; in opposition to.  If you provoke a bored person they will become Antagonistic.

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