Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders


Asset Class

A grouping of similar types of investments which have similar financial characteristics and behave similarly in the marketplace.

There are five main classes which are:

  1. Equities (stocks): Owning a share of a company.
  2. Fixed Income (debt): Lending money to a company or government for interest.
  3. Cash or equivalents: Money in bank accounts, or in your pocket, foreign exchange.
  4. Real Estate: Owning something physical like property.
  5. Commodities: Natural resource commodities and precious metals like gold, platinum, silver, etc.


1. A quantity of Lifeforce; active consciousness; the power or faculty of mental concentration. 2. Attention occurs when the interest becomes fixed. 3. The motion which must remain at an optimum effort. 4. Attention is aberrated by becoming unfixed and scanning at random or becoming too fixed without scanning.


1. To stay clear of; stay away from. 2. To not face up to; dodge; shun.

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