Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

glossary Page 3 of 4


1. A current of air, wind, air, breath, the vital principle, life, and soul. 2. The inner self (not the external persona) of a person in touch with the unconscious instead of the persona. 3. The unconscious feminine aspect of a person (Jungian psychology.)


  1. Hostility or ill feeling. 2. Motivation to do something. 3. The animating spirit. 4. Jung’s term for the masculine part of a woman’s personality. 5. That life-giving aspect that animates a thing: life, lifeforce, soul, vitality.


1. Mutual resistance; opposition; hostility. 2. The condition of being an opposing principle, force or factor.


1. Hostile; unfriendly; in opposition to.  If you provoke a bored person they will become Antagonistic.


1. Lack of emotion or feeling. 2. Lack of interest in things generally found exciting, interesting or moving; indifference. When a person suffers a severe loss and cannot express their grief, they restrain themselves and as a result, go into apathy.


1. To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of. 2. To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize. 3. To be thankful or show gratitude for. 4. To admire greatly; value. 5. To raise in value or price, especially over time. Anything that is appreciated increases in value.


1. Affinity, Reality, and Communication which together equate to understanding, good feeling, friendliness or love.  The most important aspect of developing a relationship is communication, which builds a common reality, which develops closeness or affinity.  The result is understanding.


A strong desire to achieve something high or great; an object of such desire.


1. To have a great ambition; desire strongly. 2. To strive toward an end.


1. Somebody or something that is useful and contributes to the success of something. 2. A property to which a value can be assigned. 3. The property that is owned by a particular person or organization. 4. The property of a person that can be taken by law for the settlement of debts or that forms part of a dead person’s estate. 5. The items on a balance sheet that constitute the total value of an organization.

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