1. The materialism and overconsumption in affluent communities that is harmful to the environment and society. Includes large-scale consumer debt, product waste, and greed. The relentless pursuit of financial success leaves them unfulfilled and unsatisfied, craving more wealth, while unable to get lasting pleasure from material things. Consumption and acquisition dominate their time and thoughts to the detriment of personal relationships and wellbeing. 2. The guilt, depression or lack of motivation experienced by people who have made or inherited large amounts of money and who no longer need to work. Endless increases in material wealth without a clear and compelling purpose may lead to feelings of worthlessness and dissatisfaction rather than experiences of a better life.
Leadership Advocate and Co-Founder of the Goldzone Group. I help leaders to master the new rules of leadership for the new economy. Over the past 30 years, I have visited more than 500 cities in 54 countries to explore, learn from, and help many of the world’s leading companies, leaders, and luminaries in science, technology, health, finance, and entrepreneurship.