These are activities that produce the maximum result for the minimum risk, time, and effort. Typically these activities are those that cannot be outsourced to another lower cost person to complete the activity. On the other hand, Low-Value Activities are those that could be outsourced to a lower-cost or minimum wage person. High-Value Activities include income generating, capital raising, recruitment, planning, visioning, leveraging, relationship building, communicating, etc.
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1. Encompassing the whole of something; overall; inclusive. 2. From the theory that studying the whole picture is more productive than studying its parts or symptoms individually. 3. Relating to the medical treatment of the complete person, physically, psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 4. A way of life that that is integrated, making all areas of life important and not sacrificing one area for another.
1. An approach to learning that includes the whole person, different modalities, and tailors the learning to the learner’s predispositions. 2. Two or more individuals who work together or collaborate to master a new subject or acquire new skills, abilities or knowledge.
1. The whole or entire mental image of how one sees or conceives of something. 2. The big picture. 3. The full view that covers all aspects of the endeavor and what you want to accomplish out of the big picture.
1. A conception of something in its absolute perfection. 2. One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence. 3. An ultimate object of endeavor; goal. 4. An honorable or worthy principle or aim.
1. Association of oneself with the feelings, situation, characteristics, etc. of another person or group of people. 2. The transferring of a response from one situation to another because the two bear similar features. 3. The lowest level of reasoning is the inability to differentiate.
1. The condition of being a certain person or thing. 2. The set of characteristics by which a person or thing is definitively recognizable or known. 3. The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group. 3. The personality of an individual.
1. A mental faculty forming images or concepts of external objects or experiences not present to the senses. 2. The mind’s method of envisioning desirable goals and forecasting the future. 3. The ability to confront and deal with reality by using the creative power of the mind; resourcefulness. 4. Attention, interest, or enthusiasm.
1. Living forever; not mortal. 2. The ultimate goal of survival.