
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Is The World Becoming More or Less Violent?

Ask most people if the world has become more or less violent and they will say MORE!

Watching the mainstream news and listening to politicians during an election cycle, one would conclude that the world is going to hell and everything is getting worse and worse.

Conspiracy theorists, fundamental religious zealots, and people who hate change lament declining morals, standards, and values. It can appear as though we are in the middle of a renaissance of deceit, dishonesty, and violence.

In reality, these sentiments may be based on people’s local experiences, however, when you look at the world as a whole, violence is declining, there is more accountability for big businesses, and transparency for politicians than at any other time in HISTORY!

It is true when everything is covered up and people are in denial of how things actually are, there is the appearance of order, safety, and security. Bubbling just under the surface is an entirely different reality. Once this reality is exposed, it can look like everything is going backward, when in fact things are getting better because the hidden is no longer out of view and people can see it. Once you can see it, you can change it.

Check out this fantastic presentation by Harvard professor Steven Pinker from 2007. Steven lays out the case for how we may be living in the safest period in history!

DREAM Paradigm Seminar Live in 2005

The Magic Zone

Hats off to the author and creators of this video. They have vividly and beautifully expressed a series of concepts that make it easy to understand and digest. Thank you!

Let’s create more MAGIC together!

In Love in Paris

See you in Paris at the GOLDZONE Relationship Week in 2018?

When Is The Best Time To Visit Thailand?

We love organizing educational and expansive experiences in Thailand! My first visit was in 1989. Wow, have things changed since then!

When is the best time to go to Thailand? When you are hungry. When you are bored. When you need a friend. When you are lonely. When you are tired. When you need a change of pace. When you need an updraft. GOLDZONE + Thailand = MAGIC. Now is the best time, RIGHT NOW!

We look forward to seeing you at your next GOLDZONE Event in Thailand!


Can You Buy More Time?

Money can buy you a lot of things and experiences including education, opportunities, freedom, comfort, the necessities of life, luxuries, etc.

Some say money can’t buy you happiness and love. I say it can, to a point. Try being poor and see how you like it.

If you are a nasty person who is very unattractive on the inside, money can buy you the appearance of love, and someone to spend your time with who is a real beauty.

Studies show that beyond a minimum amount of money to meet your minimum needs for food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, education and some leisure time, money’s utility to make us happy diminishes. What money can buy you is control over your time. From that point on you are free to choose how you spend your time. If you are like most people in Richland, living in the Rat Race you suffer from Time Poverty.

The real luxury in life is the time do what you want with the people you love.

Buckminster Fuller: The Geodesic Life

Anjou and I were deeply impacted by the life, works, and philosophies of Bucky. Many of his concepts and principles inspired us to create the Goldzone Group and Renaissance for Leaders.

Learn more about Bucky “R. Buckminster Fuller” on Wikipedia > here or at the Buckminster Fuller Institue > here.

Changing Education Paradigms, Fully Alive vs Nearly Dead

Disruption is here. We believe it is time to innovate and reinvent how we educate our children and re-educate our adults for today’s reality.

What would happen if we customized the learning experience to each individual?

Everyone Needs A Coach

The world’s best actors, athletes, investors, and business people have coaches. Most average and ordinary people see having a coach as unnecessary, expensive, and a waste of money.


If a coach could help you to double your income, isn’t that a good investment?

World’s Apart: How To Build Bridges, Not Walls

Finding areas of disagreement is easy. We all have them. Have you ever tried to convince someone of the merits of your position and argued over it for hours, only to find that you both became more entrenched in your point-of-view?

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