
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Secret Sugar

The story in this video serves as a very graphic reminder of how much sugar is hidden in our everyday foods. No, we are not talking about junk foods! There is so much sugar in our so-called healthy food that it isn’t healthy at all.

Damon Gameau embarks on a bold experiment to consume foods that are thought to be healthy, however, are loaded with sugar. See for yourself what happens.

Time to cut the sugar!

5 Reasons Why Spending Money on Experiences Makes Us Happier

Food and Your Brain

This video explains how the food you eat affects your brain, energy, and mood. Brain fog is a telltale sign that you have a nutrient deficiency.

Using Leverage to Speed Up Your Success

This video is based on Marshall Thurber’s theory of Network Science. If you don’t understand the principle of leverage, you work too hard.

Be sure to read this post on Key-Leverage Points.

Love & Spiritual Power

This video is an excerpt from the GOLDZONE Experience.

All intangibles grow when they are shared!

If a business operates on the purpose of making money only, sacrificing principles in order to make money, what type of products will they produce?

A purpose-driven business operates differently!

What is Narcissism?

Many of the people who dominate public life are Narcissists. We run into them almost every day, especially in positions of leadership. Learning how to spot them, how to work with them, and how not be seduced by their charms is a skill well worth developing.

This video by Keith Campbell is well worth your time!

Happy New Year 2018!

On behalf of the Goldzone Ladies & Gentlemen, we wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year 2018!

One of our key intentions is to have more fun in 2018! Let’s leave the serious and the boring in 2017 and do more play in the motto of “Work Hard, Play Hard!”

SUGAR: The Bitter Truth

This is an old video. However, it is as relevant today as it was years ago! Dr. Robert H. Lustig makes the point that we have been trying the low-fat approach for 40 years and it has failed to make us slimmer or healthier. In fact, we have gotten fatter and sicker. While the percentage of our daily calorie intake accounted for by fat has dropped steadily, the incidence of obesity and related illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, has gone through the roof. “Sugar is the problem,” states Lustig, “and yet public health officials are still advising us to follow a low-fat diet.”

How Sugar Affects Your Brain

75-Year Study: Good Relationships Keep Us Happier and Healthier

From Harvard Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, edited by Andrew John Harrison.

Ask most young people what they want from life and they will tell you money and fame. Landmark 75-year study of what actually matters reveals lessons that aren’t about wealth or fame or working harder and harder. The clearest message that we get is this:

Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

Harvard’s Grant & Glueck study tracked the physical and emotional well-being of 268 male graduates from Harvard, as well as 456 poor men growing up in Boston from 1939 to 2014. Multiple generations of researchers analyzed brain scans, blood samples, self-reported surveys and interactions of these men to compile their findings.

The conclusions are simple. Close relationships can make or break a person’s well-being, according to Robert Waldinger, Harvard professor of psychology and director of the center that sponsored the study.

The study reveals the following lessons:

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