
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

What Is the Credit Crisis?

Check out the below video about the credit crisis, what caused it, how it is escalating and what the connection is between house owners, brokers, bankers and Wall Street.

Even if you understand the dynamics of the crisis, this video can help you to explain it clearly to others.


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  1. {I’m really happy that i found such great source of information,i don’t have to buy expensive ebooks anymore,thanks alot for your nice articles|this is one of the rare time that i leave feedback on somebody’s blog,this i didn’t have the chance,i had to say that this is one of the best reading i ever had this week,thanks alot of your comprehensive writing,
    God Bless you.}

  2. Water Tay

    Wow… great video.

    I see lots of tweaking required to get the cycle in motion again. This time hopefully with more shared responsibility from everybody. Money is a powerful tool, but it can you a fool too.

  3. Lee Siang

    This is a great video. Get to know the background of the crisis with a visual explanation. Thank you for sharing

  4. Just a great and concise explanation of the evolution and how whole sub prime debacle came about…

  5. Oh my God, what a great video and simplified explanation of the “Credit Crisis”. Also the visuals to some of the financial terms I have heard, bring so much clarity to understanding the series of events.

  6. Ric

    Wonderful clips, is simple and informative and give me a better understanding of the credit crisis.

  7. JCL

    Isnt this all just …. G-R-E-E-D…!!!???

  8. Wow… This helps a lot to have a better understanding of the credit crisis.

  9. This Crisis of Credit of Video was really great. Super way of explaining a complex issue.

  10. Fiona.

    Great video, very clearly and succintly explained.

  11. Wow… this video explain it simply & clearly…

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