
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Category: Business


1. The state of producing. 2. The state of creating desirable or useful results.


1. The making or creation of something. 2. The goods or services produced by a company. 3. The measure of the output of a process.


1. To create; yield. 2. To cause to happen or come into being.

Paradigm Shift

An irreversible shift from the prevailing paradigm to a new paradigm that operates by a different framework of thought, set of beliefs, theories, concepts, practices, values, assumptions and agreements that drive behavior and produces results. For example when the shift from earth to the sun as the center of solar system transformed the way people related to their place in the universe. In business and investing, a new paradigm is a new way of doing things that have a huge effect on business. New technology completely changes the way people think about or interact with something.


The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.


1. The next person or entity in the business flow who receives the output of the preceding person or entity (supplier) in the form of a product, service or information. 2. A person one has to deal with. 3. Attracting customers is the primary goal of most businesses because it is the customer who creates demand for goods and services.

Rules of The Game

A list of 13 Rules that Goldzone Team Members, Partners, and Leaders agree to operate by.  These rules form the context for participation on the team and allow each team member to operate in a high-performance and safe environment.  Any team that implements these rules will get more done in less time, with the minimum of effort.


The position, job, or function one holds in a given activity or performance in relation to the other participants. It includes all the duties, rules, and actions of the position.

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