
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Month: August 2015

Struggle vs FLOW

Discover five simple steps to create your own luck!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be luckier than others? Maybe you feel lucky. Congratulations! Or, on the other hand, perhaps you feel that lady luck never comes knocking on your door.

I have often wondered what luck is and if there is a way to change my luck. I have spent a lot of time and energy pursuing answers to that question.

I grew up in a good, hard-working family that never seemed to have much luck. Life was challenging and a constant battle for survival. Money was hard to come by, and outside forces were constantly wreaking havoc on our dairy farm, animals, and finances. There were diseases, bugs, floods, and droughts, and it felt like a never-ending onslaught of bad luck. No wonder people connected to the land can develop a sense of superstition that some outside force is against us. All external forces have an observable effect on our quality of life.

We had enough food due to thrift, a garden, fruit trees, cows, sheep, and chickens. At least that is the way I remember it. Birthdays and Christmas were not a time for luxuries or gifts — but practical things like clothes and work boots. Or perhaps a new school uniform. Oh, and by the way, the school didn’t have a uniform — it was cheaper to wear the same clothes every day.

Money was always hard to come by, and I learned that I would have to work hard, sacrifice, live with pain and suffering, and exert massive effort to get ahead.

But who says this is true?

There is a vast difference between applying effort to a goal or purpose and struggling to make ends meet. So why are we told so often that it is noble to sacrifice and struggle only to make it barely?

The underlying belief is that life, resources, and even love are scarce and in short supply. That we have to compete with other people for them, to win at all costs, and that we have to earn love, respect, and acceptance.

What if this is a lie?

What if life, resources, and love are abundant? Free and all around us? What if we don’t have to struggle but accept that there is a lack of knowledge about living a life of effortless FLOW? Think about the possibilities — all desirable things in life flowing in your direction.

Knowledge seems to be the missing element.

We do have to make choices, sometimes tough ones. At the same time, is there an alternative to sacrificing, endless hard work, and barely getting by?

Could it be easy? Could we create our own luck? I say YES!

If you create your own luck, struggling could be called lacking luck. The struggle results from taking action and applying effort infused with negative emotions. Desperation, attachment, and fear work against you.

Suppose you replace negative association and attachment with positive expectation, certainty, and detachment from outcomes. In that case, you may experience more ease, peace, and FLOW. You will still apply hard work and effort; however, the result will flow without struggle.

The inside reflects the outside.

Most people don’t realize that our lives reflect our innermost feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. When you change on the inside, your outside results change. How you think and feel in the present moment determines your outcomes in the future.

Think about it this way: Accepting responsibility for your life means taking ownership of creating your destiny. If you experience struggle, you make it by your feelings about your circumstances. Switch your emotions, and you will change from struggle to flow — a simple concept yet very profound concept.

In other words, it is your feelings that make the difference! Your feelings are the key drivers of your actions, and your actions are what create your outcomes in life.

Because we are trained, programmed, and conditioned to struggle, we often accept this as normal. We don’t realize that an alternative way of life is possible. A reality of abundance and effortless flow is not considered because our conditioning doesn’t allow us to recognize it.

There is a way out of the constant struggle to create our own luck. Here are the steps:

The first step:

Consider that struggle isn’t fait accompli and identify all the areas where you are struggling. You will need courage and the willingness to accept the responsibility of causing the struggle. You have the power to choose something different to move into more flow. Once you accept that, you know with absolute certainty that all your struggles can be eliminated from your life over time.

The second step:

Write a list of all the areas of life where you are struggling. Don’t be shy or modest. List them all, and even the ones hiding in your life’s secret corners.

The third step:

Prioritize your list to arrive at an order of importance to focus on one area at a time. The best approach is to resolve one area before beginning on the next one. If you try to do too much at once, it is easy to become overwhelmed, feel like it is impossible, then give up. Sadly, most people give up before they even really begin. Don’t be one of those people and complete what you start!

The fourth step:

Consider your underlying emotions and thoughts, innermost feelings, beliefs, and attitudes towards this one area of struggle. Make a conscious decision to let go of the struggle and to embrace more effortless flow in this area. Take note of any “inner voice” that replies with fear and doubts if this is possible. You can do it!

Meditate on it and affirm your choice to become lucky in this area. Let go of any payoffs for the past struggle.

You will find that your feelings shift from agitation, negativity, and attachment to peace and serenity. Calm and confident expectation attracts new, fresh energy that attracts more similar energy into your life.

Once you have transformed this first area from struggle to flow, move on to the next item on your priority list and repeat the same process. Take ownership of your feelings and transform them.

The fifth step:

Next, please list the most influential people in your life and consider how their lives are struggling or flowing. Share this concept with them and work together to implement these five steps. The more people you encourage, support, and share, then you will experience more flow.

Starting today, commit to letting go and transforming one aspect of struggle daily. Be sure to record your progress from scarcity to abundance.

Good luck! Bon chance! Let us know how you get on.


Andrew John Harrison

If you are ready to have a different kind of life, then it is urgent 
that you infuse your life with aliveness, desire, and passion…

Ignite Your PASSION!

The GOLDZONE Experience is now available.  It’s an unforgettable 3-day experience to accelerate your leadership.

No matter how successful you are today, higher levels of success and fulfillment are always possible. Perhaps you have excelled in one area of life and are motivated to extend this success into all areas of life without compromise.

Learn more > here

Give Yourself a Quantum Leap!

Act Today to Register Your Place at the next
GOLDZONE Experience by Calling 

+1-888-995-2188 or fax +1-888-995-2189

To register online > click here

Hyper-Speed Experiential Learning

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You Will Learn So Fast
It Will Blow Your Mind!

We all have at least one thing in common: we started life as a baby and grew into an adult!

Consider for a moment how we learned as children. We touched everything, tasted everything, played with everything, asked questions about everything. All our senses were engaged in a process of discovering the world around us.

Then we went through formal education and learned to sit still for hours. We learned that the teacher expected certain answers, even if our experience of the world was different from the answer they were asking for. We learned to fit in, be good and do as we were told.

Well some of us learned these things!

Hyper-Speed Experiential Learning is all about including the whole person in the process and discovering the answers vs being told what is a right answer and what is a wrong answer. It’s about including all the senses in the experience and inspiring the student to think, feel and operate holistically and to include their; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical selves.

The above diagram demonstrates what is possible in terms of retention of information based on the mode of learning. It is obvious to most people that the more actively engaged a student is and the more of themselves that are included in the experience the more they learn and the less they forget.

Let’s bring back the joy of learning!

At Goldzone Education, we believe that the world has changed so fast that traditional ways of teaching and learning are too slow and ineffective. People of all ages are immersed in high-definition movies, television, video games, giant monitors, instant messaging, smartphones, and smartwatches.

Our methods of teaching, delivering content and
learning has got to change with the times.

We need exciting content and teachers who inspire us to make changes, be the best we can be and to realize our full potential.

Every Goldzone program we deliver uses small group discussions, massive video screens, nightclub quality surround sound, laser lights, image reinforcement, captivating images, inspiring videos, the most beautiful smells and most important of all dynamic facilitation.

It is never boring!

Large corporations have the budgets to invest in one-off learning environments for their corporate training, however few of them build purpose built classrooms on this scale. As for small and medium businesses, they are mostly out of reach. Our vision is to change that. We need better quality programs and learning environments for the hundreds of millions of small businesses around the world. think of the possible impact…

We also need to unlearn old ideas, thoughts, and information that is no longer relevant. Read more about unlearning and “clean slate” > here.

If you are looking for a change and are ready for the most fun you can have as an adult in a crafted learning environment… check out the 3-Day GOLDZONE Experience. It will change your mind about learning, engage all your senses and most of all make you a better leader!

To learn more about the exciting 3-Day GOLDZONE Experience click > here

8 Primary Motivations for Leading

8 Primary Motivations to lead

Leadership choices are made every day and yet very little thought is really put into considering the worthiness of the leader.

Too often a leader is chosen by default because no one else wants the responsibility.

The most suitable leader should have the right combination of a desire to make a difference, experience, skill, attitude and ability.

If someone is motivated by power, status, control or greed their decisions, actions and thought processes will be based on their own ego and what’s in it for them – and not necessarily what is right for their stakeholders.

Who wants to follow a leader who is motivated primarily by self-interest? Unless of course your interest is aligned with theirs. We call that mutual self-interest.

The best leaders know when to lead and when to follow.  If a leader is motivated by not wanting to follow, then they will insist on leading – even when they are clearly not the best suited for the role.  The end result is suboptimal compared to the right person leading.

Next time you are choosing a leader, consider these eight motivations and don’t listen to what they say.  Consider their past actions and results as good indicators of future results.

5 Keys to LOVEBACK


A lot of well-meaning people end up frustrated when attempting to give people feedback… that is because they don’t have the person’s agreement or attention.

Most people view feedback as negative, so don’t do it!

Perhaps you have been on the receiving end of feedback that is thinly masked criticism intended to minimize and dominate. This is more common than we would like to believe.

As a CEO, coach and seminar leader I have had lots of practice delivering messages to fragile egos. In fact, there seems to be a correlation between the size of the ego and its fragility. Anything that challenges the ego’s view of the world is resisted, often vehemently.

It takes humility to be open to input from the outside,  so anytime you run into a large ego – you can expect resistance.

Working with fragile egos is like walking through a minefield… you never know when you will step on a mine -ka-boom!

Regardless of the situation within which you are offering suggestions for improvement, it always goes down better when you warm the recipient up by getting their permission first, then starting with the positive. We call this approach LOVEBACK and have found it to be dramatically more effective than traditional feedback.

These 5 Keys to Loveback are like a magic elixir that when consumed allow you to say almost anything to anyone…


UNLEARNING > Letting Go of the Old


Most education, coaching, and training focus on adding more information on top of what we already know. The new information often conflicts with old assumptions, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. As a result, much of the value of the new information is lost.

This is one of the reasons why some of the smartest and best-educated people take the dumbest actions. It is also why we age so much. Have you ever seen a young person who looks, feels, and acts old? How about an old person who looks, feels, and acts older than their actual age?

Evolution is an amazing process that replaces the old with the new. If our ideas and ways of being are not kept relevant, we end up extinct. Like you know… the dinosaurs.

Today’s world is highly competitive, and with new technologies, the pace of change is so fast it isn’t easy to keep up.

The solution to this problem is to constantly engage in a process of UNLEARNING where old “stuff” is challenged, upgraded, or thrown out. We call this unlearning process “Clean Slate” because it is like wiping a slate clean and starting all over again.

Who couldn’t do with a fresh start once in a while?

If you are ready to have a different kind of life, then you must infuse your life with aliveness, desire, and passion…

Ignite Your PASSION!

The GOLDZONE Experience is now available.  It’s an unforgettable 3-day experience that can help you join a unique group of gifted leaders and master teachers who are living their dream vision, lives, and careers and are now eager to help you do the same. Learn more > here

Give Yourself a Quantum Leap!

Act Today to Register Your Place at the next
GOLDZONE Experience by Calling 

+1-888-995-2188 or fax +1-888-995-2189
To register online,> click here

CHANGE > How Do You Respond?

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One of the most uncomfortable aspects of life is that it involves constant and never ending change. And the pace of change isn’t slowing down anytime soon, in fact we live in an era of accelerating acceleration.

How you respond to change determines your level of stress, happiness and success.

if you are like most people change brings fear and uncertainty. We like things to stay the same. Often it feels like we are just getting used to and comfortable with things as they are… and bam… something or someone pulls the rug out from under us.

It takes a lot of self confidence to know that no matter what happens, no matter what changes – everything will be alright.

Our research has shown that people respond to change in one of 7 different ways. The least effective strategies are to deny, resist and accept change slowly. Higher up (meaning more effective) is to embrace change aggressively. Even more effective is to be enthusiastic and ultimately proactive which is where you preempt what is soon to happen by understanding and foreseeing the future.

By far the best is to adopt an attitude of “knowing” that change is constant and to respond to it in advance without even thinking about it. To live day by day with a balance of mind and heart. Secure in the knowledge that all change serves a higher purpose, we just have to trust and figure out what it is.

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Visionary Leadership

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There are seven different levels of leadership. Level 7: Visionary Leadership is the most effective. Level 4: Command and control is how most people lead. Consider two things, one is what level of leadership you use when you are feeling confident and sure of yourself and the other is what level of leadership you default to when you are under pressure?

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Stay in touch via FREE MyGoldzone Newsletter > SUBSCRIBE NOW

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© Goldzone Education. All rights reserved.

The Workplace of the Future

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If the place where you spend most of your time does not cater to your spiritual needs, then it is time to make some changes and switch it up! The Workplace of the Future is where Profit, Passion, Meaning and Purpose meet.

Powered by Goldzone & Site by Andrew John Harrison