Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Seven Primary Motivations


MOTIVATION > There are seven primary motivations that correspond to seven paradigms. As your paradigm changes, so does your motivation, which in turn alters your focus. If a person is living day to day (survival) then their motivation will be survival based and their goals will be focused on getting out of survival.

The key to shifting from one paradigm to another is to set goals based on a higher paradigm…

In order to do that:

  1. Identify the paradigm you are currently operating within
  2. Recognize alternative paradigms (there are seven in total)
  3. Immerse yourself in the new, chosen paradigm and set goals based on the predominate motivations of that paradigm
  4. Have fun! Don’t take it all too seriously…

Playing to WIN or Playing Not to LOSE

In the game of life and business, you could easily assume that most people play the game to win. Why play at all if it isn’t to win? After all, that is the purpose of the game, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t play to win — they play not to lose. You may have heard people say, “I hate to lose.”

When playing to win, you understand and accept that losing is sometimes part of the game. However, you do whatever it takes (legally, ethically and morally) to win.

When playing not to lose, you feel that you must not lose — no matter what.  You play conservatively and avoid risk because your desire not to lose is greater than your desire to win.

And here is the rub… other players will exploit your unwillingness to lose — which will have you losing!

The Leadership Challenge

Most people think that there is a lot of competition for leadership roles. Despite the competition, there are more people who are not willing to lead than there are people willing to step up to the leadership challenge.

Taking the lead means you put your reputation and your ego on the line. You take the risk that things may go wrong and you may end up with a learning experience… a public one!

Avoidance of the risks associated with leadership has a lot of potential leaders taking a back seat and waiting for someone else to step up. The people and companies who succeed and end up dominating businesses and markets are those who have taken more calculated risks than others.

Is it time for you to step up and take more risks?

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Why People Lie

People lie for a variety of reasons. According to a study conducted by Dr. Bella DePaulo, the average person lies once or twice a day and over the course of a week, deceives about 30 of the people they interact with. This does not include the lies we tell ourselves. Some of the reasons people lie are to:

  • gain power
  • gain status or improve one’s position (impress others)
  • avoid conflict
  • avoid an unpleasant truth about themselves
  • avoid admitting mistakes
  • diminish or suppress someone else
  • avoid hurting someone’s feelings
  • avoid anger
  • avoid responsibility
  • gain respect or admiration
  • gain self-worth
  • be liked
  • maintain the status-quo, hoping everything will pass unnoticed
  • gain something of value

OPTIMA ZONES > Seven Types of People

Consider the chart below: Seven Types of People. As a general rule most people tend to spend most of their time in one primary zone or level. Yes, from day to day, week to week, a person can change and rise up and down this scale. In other words when a person changes for the better, they move up. The opposite is also true: when they change for the worse, they move down.

Understanding this chart and the other charts of the Optima Zones allows you to predict the results people will get from life, career, business and relationships. It also allows you to identify where you are at, so you can change what you need to change in order to improve your results.

<< click on the chart to enlarge >>

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The more you win, the easier it is to win. Most of us have experienced getting on a winning streak where one win leads to another, and each successive win becomes easier and easier.

Think about how you can apply these Generalized Principles to win more often – and to expand the things you want, while contracting the things you do not want…

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Bisphenol-A Resolution

It is interesting that the world’s largest beverage company is still producing cans with Bisphenol-A. Commonly known as BPA, the chemical is used in many plastics that have been found to leach into the liquid contents.  The FDA discovered it could cause many medical problems including cardiovascular disease, liver disease and diabetes.

Many organizations have recalled products using BPA – but not Coca-Cola. Don’t get me wrong – I am not anti-Coke per se.

What interests me is that it’s taking the shareholders pushing a resolution to encourage the company to remove BPA from Coke cans. There can be only one conclusion as to why Coke is lagging the industry with regard to BPA…

Read the Shareholder Resolution here >>>

If you are interested in this subject, check out this site for a list of 2010 Shareholder Proxy Resolutions, where the shareholders are promoting changes in various companies via resolutions >>> and also a short description of Shareholder Activism >>>

Why Should I Invest in Personal Development?

This question is often asked by two different types of people:

  1. People who are aggressively pursuing their goals and are focused on bottom line returns.
  2. People who are doing the minimum, are disinterested and taking what life gives them.

For the rest of us, it seems obvious that by investing in ourselves, our skills, our knowledge and our abilities, that we will advance in life and get more of what we want.

Sharing The Magic

By Sheryl Silva

We all have experiences when someone did something special for us, went beyond the call of duty or lifted our spirits when we needed it most. We call these experiences Magic Moments.  Truth is, most Magic Moments go by and are not acknowledged or recorded and often times a mere thank you does not seem enough.

Our experience shows that what you acknowledge – you get more of.  So when someone does something special for you, sending a specific note of appreciation and acknowledgement has them feeling very good – and encourages them to keep doing it.  We call this sharing the magic.

Our organization is an education and training company.  We would be happy to share what our policy is.  The purpose of our organization is to demonstrate Leadership in action and we have systems in place at work that compliment the purpose.  One such system, which has enhanced our working environment, is what we call “Magic Moments”.

Magic Moments System

The purpose of the “Magic Moments” is to optimize performance.  The system is designed as a way of sharing any thoughts, feelings or actions that people around us do or say that make our day brighter, happier more cheerful and loving.  It’s a way for team members to express their acknowledgement, feelings and support to other team members and themselves.

How the system works is, we have a form called “Magic Moments” with 19 different options (tick box format) of a good deed, action or expression such as:

  1. Spent time doing something for me
  2. Lifted my spirit when I needed it
  3. Demonstrated exceptional talent

There are 17 other options referred to as “Team Member Magic”.  These also include expressions acknowledging ourselves such as, “I mastered a system today” referred to as “Systems Magic”. Team members can also write a few lines of their own to express their appreciation personally to another teammate.

One person on the team is nominated as the “Magic/Anti-Magic Moments” coordinator.  When a team member appreciates another for something he or she did, they fill in a “Magic Moments” form addressed to the person and submits it to the coordinator who in turn will pass the form to the person for whom its meant.  Copies are filed and at the end of each month, the person who wrote the most forms and the person who received the most forms are given a reward.

Similarly, we have a “Anti-Magic Moments” which are incidents, upsets or behaviors that are anti-magic (i.e. create an environment that is not safe, harmonious or happy) or actions that are in violation of the companies stated policies, values and procedures and interfere with productivity, orderliness and the perceived ability to do ones job well.  It is also an opportunity for the team member to handle their side.

This system also comprises of a form called “Anti-Magic” with 24 different actions or expressions such as:

  1. Gossiping, blaming or directing abuse to another team member
  2. Abusive tone
  3. Reference to superiority (chauvinism, racism, sexism etc)

There are 21 other expressions referred to as “Team Member Corrections”.  These also include “System Violation” such as “Directive was given to me by someone who is not my direct leader”.  The procedure is again the same as the “Magic Moments”.

Everyone Is Included – No Exceptions

Both systems are across board for all staff with no exceptions to designations or positions held by individuals in our office.  The beauty of the system is that we feel appreciated and supported when we receive a Magic Moment.  That motivates us and boosts morale.

On the other hand, when an “Anti-Magic Moment” is received, the person is not yelled at or has his or her “head chopped off” because of it.  Instead, the team supports the individual to realize his/her behavior and helps them to correct their counter-productive behavior within a safe environment.

The leaders in our organization have high regard, care and concern for each team member and give a lot of their time to support team members through the process of self-improvement when needed and more so appreciating us for things we do.  These systems were created to ensure that each team member experiences a safe, fun and happy work environment everyday.

The organization invests in training all staff on how the system works which helps everyone to understand the purpose of the system and to appreciate it.

Each member on our team is committed to work by this system and it has contributed to us having great team spirit, high productivity and fun at work.  Every one of us look forward to coming to work everyday, knowing we will be supported and appreciated for simply being ourselves.

We are thankful to our leadership for implementing this system, as it’s a joy for each of us to work in an environment that is safe, calm, serene and above all fun.  My wish is for management of all organizations to implement such systems – as I can vouch for its effectiveness and success.  The more “Magic Moments” – the higher the team morale, productivity and profitability.

Mazimo Magic

Mazimo Magic is an online web based application that allows anyone to send appreciation in the form of “Magic Moments” with clients and colleagues and to identify “Anti-Magic Moments” that reduce service standards, disrupted team performance and caused reduced morale and lower productivity.

Best thing is, the Mazimo Magic Application keeps a record of every Magic Moment sent and received by you.  This enables you to keep them as long as you want, review later, print or forward to thers etc.

Share the Magic, send a Mazimo Magic Moment now >>>

Leadership Development Solutions

The Goldzone Leadership Curriculum offers comprehensive, custom Leadership Development Roadmaps.  Using the revolutionary New-Paradigm Leadership Model, participants master more effective tools, strategies and methods compared to the old style and traditional leadership models.  High stress and low performance is replaced with optimum personal and organizational performance.  >>> click here for more information >>>

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Dedicated to “3 Musketeers” (You Know Who You Are)

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