Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Category: Health & Wellness Page 4 of 5

Lack of Love

Lack of love as a child leads to feelings of inadequacy.  This leads to sensitivity to rejection as an adult.

Serotonin and Judgment

Depression is one of the most common challenges facing individuals and businesses today. More than the blues, the overall feeling of doom can trigger some people to act irrationally. Recent studies indicate that low levels of serotonin (a brain chemical) can in part lead to an overall insensitivity to future consequences, setting off impulsive and aggressive behaviors…

Depression & Heart Disease

Recent studies have indicated that as many as a third of heart disease patients are depressed. Upon visiting their primary care doctor or cardiologist, they receive treatment for their heart disease, however the depression often remains untreated. In fact, many doctors are beginning to suspect the drugs used to treat high blood pressure may worsen depression and trigger mood swings in patients.

The Weather and Your Mood

Have you ever noticed that when the weather is warm, the air is clear and the sky is blue – you feel upbeat, optimistic and happy? On the other hand, when the weather is extremely hot or cold, the air is polluted and the sky is overcast – you feel depressed, pessimistic and unhappy?

The Jumping Thoughts

Did you know that energy, thoughts, ideas and feelings can jump from one person to another?  Sounds strange I know, but recent research indicates that this is a bigger problem than you can imagine.  The question is, are you transferring your thoughts to them, or are they transferring theirs to you? This is an important distinction for all leaders…


Good health is like the weather, most people are so busy rushing here and there – that they don’t stop to notice how they are feeling until it is raining cats and dogs or freezing cold!

Don’t wait until you get sick to do something about your health…

The Shadow

We all have a shadow self. Many of us who have worked on ourselves for a long time or who have very religious backgrounds often find it difficult to see the shadow part of ourselves.  This part is less than honest, less than forthcoming has less than pure intentions, etc.

However, the key to becoming a better person is to look at both sides which include all our good qualities and their opposites.


Here is the definition of an addiction:

Any behavior that is repeated in spite of negative consequences. A behavior becomes addictive when it changes our mood or emotions.

So, what are you addicted to?

Cost of Mental Illness

A recent study of 30,000 workers showed that individuals suffering from depression took an average of 30 days off work while stress-sufferers were away for 21 days.

This research shows just how important it is for managers and HR professionals to take early action to support individuals before their condition deteriorates into a long-term sick leave problem.

– Chartered Institute of Personal Development


Not knowing what you are feeling is not the same as not feeling anything. – Andrew John Harrison


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