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Tag: Purpose

Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life

In April of 1958, Hunter S. Thompson was 22 years old when he wrote this letter to his friend Hume Logan in response to a request for life advice.

Thompson’s letter, found in Letters of Note, offers thoughtful and profound advice.

April 22, 1958
57 Perry Street
New York City

Dear Hume,

You ask advice: ah, what a very human and very dangerous thing to do! For to give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal— to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT direction is something only a fool would take upon himself.

Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the all-time great books on life meaning and purpose by Viktor Frankl. First published in 1946, Frankl chronicles his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

When faced with unimaginable suffering, there are four differing approaches one could take; 1) to give up and resign oneself to fate 2) turn to religion 3) spiritualize the circumstances 4) find practical purpose and meaning in life, then immersively imagine a positive outcome.

The Workplace of the Future

The Workplace of the Future.001

If the place where you spend most of your time does not cater to your spiritual needs, then it is time to make some changes and switch it up! The Workplace of the Future is where Profit, Passion, Meaning and Purpose meet.

The Importance of Work

Work is still the best way to achieve personal success and to better play our role within society: it helps in enhancing self-esteem, provides social prestige and generates income which facilitates civil and political participation. Work is, has been, and will remain the key component of the social contract. It forms the basis for creating societies of free women and men, and it is the foundation for democratic governance.

– International Labor Organization

What Is My Purpose?

Your purpose is your reason for being, for existing. It is what gets you up in the morning and provides meaning for your life. Often, our sense of purpose comes from our deepest essence – our core – and includes knowing who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

Most people have a natural desire to contribute… to make a difference. Typically, our purpose is a combination of expressing our unique gifts or talents in a vocation (work, career or profession that is inspired) that contributes to others.

What about a self-serving purpose? This is possible and many people are driven in this way.  However, the biggest challenge that results from this kind of purpose is a lack of fulfillment.

Fulfillment is the result of being on purpose in a way that makes a difference to others.

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