Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Passion

Are You Working for the Money or Doing Work You Love?

Are you working for the money or doing work you love? Work should be like play when you are doing work that you are good at! Then you can make all the money you want!

Visionary Leadership

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There are seven different levels of leadership. Level 7: Visionary Leadership is the most effective. Level 4: Command and control is how most people lead. Consider two things, one is what level of leadership you use when you are feeling confident and sure of yourself and the other is what level of leadership you default to when you are under pressure?

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The Workplace of the Future

The Workplace of the Future.001

If the place where you spend most of your time does not cater to your spiritual needs, then it is time to make some changes and switch it up! The Workplace of the Future is where Profit, Passion, Meaning and Purpose meet.

Our Greatest LUXURY is Time

Our Greatest Luxury Is Time.001



In this article, you will discover what
PASSION looks and feels like!

When I am feeling passionate, I have a heightened sense of vitality, aliveness, vibrancy, drive and enthusiasm.  There is a warm excitement and an all-consuming focus on my sensations.  I have a sense of confidence, total concentration, and a keen awareness.

LIFEFORCE: Your Power Source

With today’s workplaces becoming more and more about living than they are about money and finances alone, and with the pressure to infuse our companies, organizations, and professions with passion and aliveness, we must become more passionate, alive and balanced ourselves.

The challenge is how do we do this? And what will it take to unblock our passion and creativity? Ask yourself these questions:

What do I have to do to become more alive, alert, energetic and enthusiastic?

How do I inspire my team to change? How do I handle the stress caused by the fast pace of change? How do I inspire my team to take personal responsibility for their results and their failures? How do I cope with failure? How do I create a work environment that is conducive to productivity? How do I bring more of the personal assets of my people into the workplace?

Passion, aliveness, enthusiasm, and responsibility are all infused with energy and the source of this energy is LIFEFORCE.

It’s All About the Vision

It is time for some Corporate Reinvention!

The most common reason why most corporations only achieve a fraction of the possible potential available to them is the lack of a worthwhile, meaningful, inspiring and compelling vision that magnetizes and motivates the entire organization.  Many of the vision statements hanging in the boardrooms are old, out of date, not well communicated and uninspiring.

This is especially true in times of economic recession.

Corporate Reinvention is about refocusing, reorganizing, reframing and redirecting your organization.  And the most important component of any organization is the VISION.  Next is aligning the people, marketing, systems, policies and procedures behind the vision.

How do you do that if your organization is in a crisis that is threatening its survival? Do you really have a choice?

Reasons to consider engaging in a Corporate Reinvention process:

  • You are not achieving your goals
  • The industry has changed, margins are down, competition is fierce
  • Economic crisis, sales are down, financing is scarce
  • Acquisition/merger with another organization requiring complete restructuring
  • Dramatic changes in your product or service due to technological developments
  • International expansion
  • Downsizing of the organization
  • Reorganization, sale or IPO
  • New CEO, board or senior management

An inspiring vision should infuse passion, engage the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of the people working within your organization, your clients, your suppliers and your shareholders.  Every person should know what the vision is and how their daily activities contribute to the vision.

<<its all about the VISION>>

Our Most Precious Assets: People

In today’s competitive and fast paced world, our most precious assets are our people, our relationships and our time. Most executives and professionals are familiar with W. Edwards Deming’s concept of optimization and fine tuning a system to achieve the optimum output and results.

Few people apply the concept of optimization to their lives, people strategies, systems, policies, procedures, marketing and management practices.

Leading a team of people in today’s highly competitive, technologically sophisticated and connected world is very different from the command and control style prevalent in the preceding centuries.

Intangible assets such as people, know-how, systems and intellectual property are valued at many times more than tangible assets. Traditional management training and methods are severely lacking in “people knowledge” and an understanding of a world that is more and more intangible.

A new style of leadership is required for the new paradigm economy of today and the future.

Passion is Powerful

Passion is powerful…
Nothing was ever achieved without it,
and nothing can take it’s place.

No matter what you face in life,
if your passion is great enough
you will find the strength to succeed.

Without passion, life has no meaning.
So, put your heart, mind, and soul
into even your smallest acts…
This is the essence of passion.

This is the secret to Life.

– James Robert Rowe

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