Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Ownership

The Culture of “Blame”

One of the biggest blocks to most people stepping into personal leadership and responsibility is that they are so afraid of making mistakes that they won’t take the risk of being responsible and accountable at the same time.  Most people inaccurately see responsibility as another way of laying “blame” – or finding who is “at fault” when things go wrong.  Combine this with the fear of losing face, and you have people who won’t speak up – even though they know the solution!

Encouraging people to speak up requires building trust and safety.  Before people will take the risk of speaking up, they need to know that they won’t be punished for expressing themselves and stating their opinions.

Family Leadership

Leadership skills are as vital at home and in family situations as they are in the office and on teams. In fact, many people’s leadership behaviors at the office either mirrors or is the exact opposite of their leadership behavior at home. An example of the latter is the power executive who dominates everyone at the office, and when it comes to home and family matters – abdicates everything to others.

We are at the effect of anything that we abdicate… Taking responsibility means including ourselves in both work and family leadership situations.

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