Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Emotion & Behavior

The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease

“More than half of Americans suffer from one or more chronic diseases. Each year millions of people are diagnosed with chronic disease, and millions more die from their condition. By our calculations, the most common chronic diseases are costing the economy more than $1 trillion annually – and that figure threatens to reach $6 trillion by the middle of the century.

“Yet much of this cost is avoidable. This failure to contain the containable is undermining prospects for extending health insurance coverage and for coping with the medical costs of an aging population. The rising rate of chronic disease is a crucial but frequently ignored contributor to growth in medical expenditures.”

– An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease (courtesy of Milken Institute)

Passion is Powerful

Passion is powerful…
Nothing was ever achieved without it,
and nothing can take it’s place.

No matter what you face in life,
if your passion is great enough
you will find the strength to succeed.

Without passion, life has no meaning.
So, put your heart, mind, and soul
into even your smallest acts…
This is the essence of passion.

This is the secret to Life.

– James Robert Rowe

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions show true feelings. Contempt is a killer of relationships.

Dealing with Stress

Most people turn to one of three methods to deal with stress: the band-aid approach, the stress management approach or the denial approach.  Unfortunately, none of these approaches work long term.  The most effective way to handle stress – without drugs, relaxation exercises or stress management techniques – is to recognize and deal with the underlying causes.  These underlying causes are often unsolvable problems.  Solve the problem, and the stress goes away.  Without solving the problem – no amount of relaxation or management techniques will prevent the stress from returning…

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