
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Working Definition

A statement that clarifies a specific term or terms in order to reduce variation in communication.


1. To gain a victory; victorious; triumph. 2. To succeed in reaching or achieving a specified condition or place.


1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly. 2. To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble. 3. To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose. 4. A place, region, or land that is uninhabited or uncultivated; a desert or wilderness. 5. Anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space and worker’s time which are absolutely essential to add value to the product (Working Definition from Toyota.) 2. Use to no purpose or inadequate result or extravagantly (waste time.)


1. Intelligent foresight. 2. The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. 3. An image produced by the imagination. 4. Force or power of imagination. 5. Imaginative foresight. 6. The software for the mind. 7. An image of a potential future. The big picture. This is how a person’s life, environment and those connected to them will optimally appear and operate as they approach its completion.

Virtual Advisor

The Virtual Advisor is a free service where you ask a question about a leadership, business, personal or relationship challenge and one of our expert advisors/mentors will reply with an answer. You can expect a reply within 48 hours.


An individual who commits or threatens physical, emotional, mental, financial, or spiritual harm to another person, party or organization. Typical justifications include “the ends justify the means.” Villains often demonstrate unlikable traits such as judgments, prejudices, egoism, immaturity, cockiness, or a single-minded focus on things such as wealth, power, fame, status, or revenge.


An individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional, mental, financial, or spiritual harm as a result of the actions of another person, party or organization.


1. An electron in the outermost shell of an atom involved in forming a chemical bond. 2. An identity of somebody other than the identity selected by oneself. Somebody else’s identity assumed by a person unknowingly. Include habits and mannerisms which are a result of a person’s compulsion to copy certain people. A valence is a false or true identity. Each person has their own valence. Substitute for self, taken on after a loss of confidence in oneself. The combined package of a personality which one assumes as does an actor on a stage except in life one doesn’t usually assume them knowingly.

Upper Limit

1. The maximum amount of anything that a person can receive, have or own. Once an upper limit has been reached, the receiving person subconsciously projects their lack of self-worth onto the giving person, entity, environment or money. Devaluing everything over and above their upper limit.


1. Lying. 2. The state of being untrue, falsehood and incorrectness. 3. Inaccurately predicted consequences, outcomes, and accomplishments. 4. The wrong who, what, where, when, how, why, mood and intention.

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