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Category: Relationships & Family Page 1 of 2

Parenting Mistakes

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Like them, love them, or hate them, we all have parents and the relationship we have with our parents or caregivers set the tone for all our relationships in life.

Conscious Parenting is about understanding that what you do and how you do it has a lasting impact on your children. Understand how even small things can have a lasting positive or adverse impact allows you to make conscious choices.

The alternative is to default to the way you were raised by your parents, which may or may not have been deliberate, decisive, or useful!

Most people go through life with no clue that what happened to them as children had a lasting impact on them. We are not suggesting that you blame your parents for everything wrong with your life. Assume they did the best they knew how and take it from there to make better choices for yourself.

You Have Got To Have a Dream: Happy Talk

It was 1995 when I first encountered the Happy Talk song from the 1958 musical South Pacific. I loved it right away.

10 Blocks To Intimacy


CUPID: Musing About LOVE

Screenshot 2014-11-26 00.35.27

– dedicated to the memory of Anjou MacPherson (1959 – 2012)
By Andrew John Harrison

L. O. V. E.

I often ponder what it is
where it comes from
why so many people long for it and yet deny themselves

ZONE TIPS > Resolving Upsets

With the frequency of communication via text message and email increasing, it is common to develop misunderstandings and end up with one or both parties upset. The result is a loss of affinity, less collaboration, and a feeling of disconnection.

There are four primary ways people respond to this type of upset:

Musing About Romance

Musing about romance
what is it?

Why do so many people associate romance
with sex?

Sensual, sexual, love and affection
These can include romance…

…but they are not substitutes for romance

When you hear an English speaker say it
the sound falls flat

Say it in French… Italian… or Spanish
and you feel something

If ones feelings are muted, how then to
feel romance?

How to feel anything?
Unless it is SCREAMING!!!

Romance is all about feeling, subtle feelings…

Surprise… excitement… mystery… mystique…
adventure… allure… charm… glamour…

Remote from everyday life…

Ahhhhhhhh… I feel something stirring
new pathways are forming in my neocortex

Cheap, entitled, lazy, perfunctory, low ethics,
stress and worry about money are incompatible with

Effort must be invested, creativity and
Lifeforce infused

The desire to create an experience for
another person

Transport them to a far off reality
Where the cares and thoughts of everyday
life are left far behind
where magic and mystery are the currency
Is it possible to live this way everyday?
Is it possible to infuse ones own time
and activities with the essence of romance?

This would shift ones priorities
and have one valuing EXPERIENCES

Why not romance oneself?

Choose the romantic option

Linger over coffee
drive the long, winding way home
waste time on nonproductive things
wander the streets without a plan
burn incense, light candles, play chants
Give 50% or 100% or larger tips


Take moments to look deeply
into the eyes of a stranger
connecting with their soul
See who they really are
allow them to see YOU

Give feelings away
like they were wrapped
in a sumptuous box tied with a ribbon
like they are the currency of life
the most valuable, rare and precious
gifts that they are

So many people are addicted to drama
substances, lack and limitation
when feelings are FREE

FREE! no amount of money can buy
what can be obtained for free

The more you give…
…the more you receive

How cool is that?


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When I Think of Love


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Quality of Relationship = Quality of Life

Quality of Relationship

ryrWhat would happen if you allocated more time to the renewal and regeneration of your relationship? or, if you are single, to prepare yourself for your next relationship?

Most people don’t realize that the quality of your relationships = the quality of your life! There is a direct correlation between a person’s level of happiness, success, financial prosperity, overall wellbeing, and their primary relationship.

Money or Relationship: Symptom or Cause?

We have all heard it before. When a relationship fails, it is often stated that money problems caused the failure.

In many cases this is true, one partner loses their job or runs up unknown debts, which leads to relationship disharmony and eventually breakup or divorce. But what if there were a rarely discussed, often avoided cause that preceded the symptoms and was, in fact, the “real” culprit?

We all know that if you address symptoms and do not fix the cause, the problem won’t be resolved and it will continue… often from one relationship to another. Kind of like a silent serial killer that lurks in the shadows undetected, only to pounce at the most inopportune moment and wreak havoc.

Movie: Othello

Venice, 1570.  This movie is about jealousy, betrayal and the scheming manipulations of Iago… who is supposed to be a close friend and trusted advisor to Othello.

This 1995 film is an intense adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy about the Moorish general who “loved not wisely, but too well” – and so is duped by his evil aide into thinking that his wife has been unfaithful. As war between Venetians and the Turks rages, Othello weds the beautiful Desdemona and promotes Cassio over his longtime assistant, Iago. Othello prepares to celebrate his marriage, but Iago – insanely jealous over Othello’s snub – has dastardly plans in store.

Iago begins to poison Othello’s mind against Desdemona, claiming that she’s having an affair with Cassio; he even manages to produce “proof” of the infidelity. It doesn’t take long for the jealous general to start believing Iago’s allegations, and he winds up on the path of destruction and gives into his “dark side” which is perhaps the most chilling aspect of the movie.

Very educational and will have you thinking twice about some people’s intentions and actions…

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