
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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MASTERY in one’s career and consciousness growth simply requires that we constantly produce results beyond and out of the ordinary.  Mastery is a product of consistently going beyond our limits.  For most people, it starts with technical excellence in a chosen field and a commitment to that excellence.  If you are willing to commit yourself to excellence, to surround yourself with things that represent this and miracles, your life will change.  (When we speak of miracles, we speak of events or experiences in the real world which are beyond the ordinary).

It’s remarkable how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is the acceptable.  Our world suffers from terminal normality.  Take a moment to assess all of the things around you that promote your being “average”.  These are the things that keep you powerless to go beyond a “limit” you arbitrarily set for yourself.  The first step to mastery is the removal of everything in your environment that represents mediocrity, removing those things that are limiting.  One way is to surround yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do.  Didn’t some of your best teachers, coaches, parents, etc.?

Another step on the path to mastery is the removal of resentment toward masters.  Develop compassion for yourself so that you can be in the presence of masters and grow from the experience.  Rather than comparing yourself and resenting people who have mastery, remain open and receptive;  let the experience be like the planting of a seed within you that, with nourishment, will grow into your own individual mastery.

You see, we are all ordinary.  But a master, rather than condemning himself for his “ordinariness”, will embrace it and use it as a foundation for building the extraordinary.  Rather than using it as an excuse for inactivity, he will use it as a vehicle for correcting, which is essential in the process of attaining mastery.  You must be able to correct yourself without invalidating or condemning yourself, to accept results and improve upon them.  Correct, don¹t protect.  Correction is essential to power and mastery.

– Stewart Emery

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The Dark Side of Follow the LEADER

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Choose your leaders carefully.

Wise words that we would all agree with, and yet how many of us get to know the obvious and not-so-obvious aspects of a leader – BEFORE we jump in and follow them?

The obvious aspects are those we can all see. Examples are their likeability, dressing, body language, and grooming. Also their tone of voice, leadership style, and their past performance.

Not so obvious aspects would mean those qualities and attributes that we cannot see without getting to know them personally or investigating with more discerning eyes. Usually, these aspects include their values, operating model, typical emotional state, beliefs, honesty, candor, ethics, and integrity.

Art de Vivre – Joie de Vivre

It’s all about personal quality of life. What good is it to have wealth, power, influence and yet feel miserable?

It is easy to rush through life, from meeting to meeting, event to event and not even notice the details. Small things. Important things.

Numb seems to be the new normal for many people. Is it any wonder that drug use is at an all-time high? The path from numb to joy of living is long, winding and often akin to playing snakes and ladders. “Back to square one” seems an all too often occurrence.

Unlike board games, in life we can never go back. No matter how it feels we can never unlearn an experience because every event, every moment forever changes us. What we can do is change our mind about what the experience means. Old experiences can offer new lessons.

Accepting emotions – all of them – is the “secret sauce” to experiencing joy in life. Rushing serves to deepen the numbness… lingering opens up the flavors of experience and allows the senses to activate. Feelings rise. Both wanted and unwanted.

Instead of crashing through life, designing a career, a certain amount of money… what would happen if one lived as if life itself were a work of art?

Become your own artist and infuse art into everything you do…

Art de Vivre: your smile… your hair… your clothes… your work… your house… your car… your cup of coffee… your expression… your posture… your writing… your cooking… your dinner setting… your afternoon snack… your hand holding… your conversation… your travel… your love notes… your attitude… your dreams… your nightmares… your lovemaking… your decor… your office… your voicemail… your entertaining… your values… your beliefs… your vacations… your expression when you eat… your hug when you meet a friend… your handshake when you meet a stranger… your desert… your nutrition… your hydration… your garden… your sunglasses… your shoes… your socks… your aging… your death…

Yes! All of life is art. Mastering the joy of living – in the moment – with people you love is what makes life worthwhile.

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Flow no Flow

What doesn’t flow is also flow
blocks to flow provide guidance
guidance is invaluable and rare
opinions are everywhere

everyone has an opinion
gleaned from experience + interpretation
do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that

flow has no opinion
no one can argue with flow
yet so many people insist on going against the flow
or they surrender and float downstream
this is meaningless
for even a dead fish can float downstream

do not be a dead fish

engage with and respond to flow
create flow
follow flow
share flow with others

look for flow no flow
know when to apply force to no flow
and when to let go

Sometimes things don’t flow
because an “attitude” needs adjusting
an expectation needs re-setting

subtle feelings reveal flow
this is void if you are numb
numb is as close to nearly dead as you can get
dead is the total absence of flow

spend time with numb people and you will experience no flow
crazy people have lots of flow… all over the place
subtle wont work on numb
bricks, sledge hammers and massive force are what works

desperate, terror, lost, lonely, sad, angry, happy, are all degrees of flow
they don’t all go in the same direction
some lead up – others lead down
whatever you wont feel – you will suppress
suppression leads to no flow
flow leads to freedom

uncomfortable feelings are not a sign of no flow
they can and often do indicate pending or imminent flow
being comfortable with uncomfortable leads to more flow

freedom is bought with a price
a price most people are not willing to pay
subtle nuances are the realm of mastery
which is acquired through practice

I learn nothing from flow
but sit at the feat of the true master – no flow
when my ego rises and takes over
no flow soon follows

staying humble allows flow leading to flow following flow

I turn off the light
I close my eyes
I do not see black
I see the same thing with eyes open and eyes closed

I see grey with patches of white
like clouds drifting across the sky
flow no flow is everywhere and in everything

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GOLDZONE Experience Sep 2014

Images of the September 2014 GOLDZONE Experience! 3-Days of Fun… Connecting… Inspiring… Updraft… Aesthetic… Abundance… Uplifting… Informative… Educational… Tools… Techniques… Strategies… Know How… Knowledge Transfer… and more than anything: an unforgettable experience that touches you on all levels… spiritual, mental, emotional and physical!

If you are ready to have a different kind of life, then it is urgent
you infuse your life with aliveness, desire, and passion…

Ignite Your PASSION!

The GOLDZONE Experience is now available.  It’s an unforgettable 3-day experience that can help you join a unique group of gifted leaders and master teachers who are living their dream vision, lives, and careers, and who are now eager to help you do the same. Learn more > here

Give Yourself a Quantum Leap!

Act Today to Register Your Place at the next
GOLDZONE Experience by Calling 

+1-888-995-2188 or fax +1-888-995-2189
To register online > click here

The Dynamic Tension of Goals & Visions

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Most people drift through life without a meaningful vision of what they want to create. This lack of vision results in a lack of goals, which causes a lack of motivation. The common wisdom is that people avoid goals because they are afraid of failure; however, this is only part of the reason.

There are three primary reasons for avoiding goals:

  1. Failed goals from the past.
  2. Lack of a compelling vision.
  3. Inability to handle the tension created by the gap between the goal or vision and their present reality.

This tension is known as “Dynamic Tension” because it is fluid and represents the ever-moving relationship between where you are today and the goal or vision that you are moving towards.

The bigger the vision and the more challenging the goal – the more tension you will feel. As you close the gap, the tension reduces.

Lifeforce exists in this Dynamic Tension. The basic goal of life is survival; however, once you have handled your basic needs, your attention turns to higher value needs like achievement, success, status, community, self-expression, creativity, and contribution.

If you want more joy and fulfillment from life, set bigger goals and dream grander visions for yourself, your community, and the world. This will give you a reason to live, engage all of yourself, and create tension that will propel you to new levels.

Click on the below diagram for an illustration…

Dynamic Tension.001

If you are ready to have a different life, you must infuse your life with aliveness, desire, and passion…

Ignite Your PASSION!

The GOLDZONE Experience is now available.  It’s an unforgettable 3-day experience to accelerate your personal leadership.

No matter how successful you are today, higher levels of success and fulfillment are always possible. Perhaps you have excelled in one area of life and are motivated to extend this success into all areas of life without compromise.

Learn more > here

Give Yourself a Quantum Leap!

Act Today to Register Your Place at the next
GOLDZONE Experience by Calling 

+1-888-995-2188 or fax +1-888-995-2189
To register online,> click here


Do Something For Someone Else: 100% of Your Clients Are People

Gotta love this video about fulfillment and doing things for others… 100% of your clients are people… 100% of your colleagues are people… 100% of your friends are people… sounds obvious but most people forget! How is that possible?

MOVIE > Before Midnight

This movie is about a couple in their forties, married with two daughters and a son (from a previous marriage). While in Greece on vacation they are looking for a night of passion and romance… instead they find themselves engaged in a tense debate about the past, present, future; family, romance, love and infidelity.

This story clearly depicts many peoples common experience. In their fighting there are a lot of hurtful, rude and inconsiderate things said to each other – which adds to the feeling of distance and disconnection.

How differently this story would be if this couple had some basic relationship and communications skills that would facilitate some real sharing, listening and understanding.

Many couples break up over some of the most basic and easy to fix things… consider an alternative scenario where the couple actually talk and share their feelings and reach a new level of connection and intimacy all while enjoying the romantic environment of the southern Peloponnese?

The result? Lasting happiness!


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Our World Is Changing: Think Like A Leader

We are living through one of the most profound periods of transformation in recent human history.  Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate.  The way we live, the way we work and the way we do business are changing dramatically.

No longer is it an option to maintain our position by doing today, what we did yesterday.  We are no longer competing with the professional or the firm down the road, but rather the highly skilled, more motivated, and lower cost individual or firm on the other side of the planet.

In order to do well in the future, we must begin to think more like leaders than managers, more like entrepreneurs than employees, take responsibility for our quality of life, upgrade our skills and become more aware of the value we add to our teams, our projects, and our organizations.

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We Are All Leaders

Remember that all of us are leaders, whether we want to be or not.  Leading is a part of life.  Being a good leader means greater satisfaction in your personal and business life…  Since you must lead, why not be good at it?  It can make a big difference to your results and overall quality of life.

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