Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Category: Leadership & Influence Page 5 of 20

Expand Your Comfort Zone

The Magic Zone

Hats off to the author and creators of this video. They have vividly and beautifully expressed a series of concepts that make it easy to understand and digest. Thank you!

Let’s create more MAGIC together!

Positive & Negative Processes

A process is a systematic sequence of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

If the actions are repeated in order, the outcome will be consistent. If the actions are out of order, the outcome will be inconsistent.

To reverse engineer a process, begin with the outcome and work backward to each step or action until arriving at the beginning.

Why Do Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes?

Can You Buy More Time?

Money can buy you a lot of things and experiences including education, opportunities, freedom, comfort, the necessities of life, luxuries, etc.

Some say money can’t buy you happiness and love. I say it can, to a point. Try being poor and see how you like it.

If you are a nasty person who is very unattractive on the inside, money can buy you the appearance of love, and someone to spend your time with who is a real beauty.

Ho’oponopono Prayer

by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, edited by
Anjou MacPherson and Andrew John Harrison

I am the “I”
I come forth from the void into the light,
I am that emptiness,
that hollowness beyond all Consciousness,
the “I”, the “Id”, the “All.”

I draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
the continuum of minds with matters.
I am the invisible, untouchable breeze,
the indefinable atom of creation,
I am the “I”

Divine Creator:
the Aumakua, the Uhane, and the Unihipili as one:

I [say your name here]

The Anticipatory Leader: Principles to Make the World Work

Fuller’s Leadership Principles:

  1. Think comprehensively.
  2. Anticipate the future.
  3. Respect gestation rates.
  4. Envision the best possible future.
  5. Be a “trim tab”—an individual who can initiate big changes.
  6. Take individual initiative.
  7. Ask the obvious and naive questions.
  8. Do more with less.
  9. Seek to reform the environment, not man.
  10. Solve problems through action.

Man knows so much and does so little.

Everyone Needs A Coach

The world’s best actors, athletes, investors, and business people have coaches. Most average and ordinary people see having a coach as unnecessary, expensive, and a waste of money.


If a coach could help you to double your income, isn’t that a good investment?

World’s Apart: How To Build Bridges, Not Walls

Finding areas of disagreement is easy. We all have them. Have you ever tried to convince someone of the merits of your position and argued over it for hours, only to find that you both became more entrenched in your point-of-view?

Your Magic Freedom Formula

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