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GOLDZONE Forgiveness Clean Slate

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We have all felt hurt or wounded by the actions of other people. For some of us, we have years of accumulated and unresolved hurt that we feel was caused by the people in our lives who are closest to us. 

Feelings of hurt, betrayal, and anger can be the most pervasive and destructive to both the target of our feelings as well as to ourselves. Ruminating on feelings of hurt, anger, and the quest for justice can lead to destructive behavior, which can cause us to feel worse, as well as cause negative health outcomes that, over time, can become life-threatening. 

Medical research indicates that harboring angry feelings towards people can cause numerous physical maladies, including high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

The benefits of forgiveness include increased feelings of peace and harmony, with decreased anger, as well as improved physical health, lower blood pressure, more energy, increased mental clarity, improved cardiovascular health, as well as general well-being and serenity.

Mistake Mystique

This article is from INTUITION by Dr. R. Buckminister Fuller, pages 91 – 100.

Are You Working for the Money or Doing Work You Love?

Are you working for the money or doing work you love? Work should be like play when you are doing work that you are good at! Then you can make all the money you want!

Liberation Stories > Chart Your Own Course

Art and video by Jeremy Collins.

What the Bleep is Consciousness?

Talking about consciousness is a fashionable subject these days. As if it is a new religion, trend or fashion. A lot of so-called “spiritual” people use it to judge others as being less “evolved” and ignorant.

I say, bleep that!

Consciousness is a simple concept that a 5-year-old child can understand. Sandy, the dog is conscious, whereas Teddy the teddy bear is not. Sandy runs around and responds, Teddy just sits there and does not move. When children play-act, they know they are pretending. It’s not real. When the plastic scissors are used to cut Teddy’s hair, they know it is just a game!

Many adults forget this simple truth and go through life play-acting for real!

What is Narcissism?

Many of the people who dominate public life are Narcissists. We run into them almost every day, especially in positions of leadership. Learning how to spot them, how to work with them, and how not be seduced by their charms is a skill well worth developing.

This video by Keith Campbell is well worth your time!

Narcissistic Behavior Checklist


What is Narcissism? Often overused and little understood. People think it refers to personality traits involving excessive self-love, self-admiration, arrogance, and vanity.

All personality traits, including narcissism, can be viewed on a continuum from little to extreme. We all share narcissistic traits at times. However, a small sector of the population (about 6.2%) can be considered extreme. These people can be clinically diagnosed with a personality disorder known as NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).

10 Keys To Power Communication

I started my first business in 1994. I was young, inexperienced and had no idea just how dramatic the roller-coaster of business would be. What I lacked in experience, I made up for with hard work, enthusiasm, grit, and determination. My partners certainly had their hands full because I was also stubborn, perhaps a little hardheaded.

The business expanded rapidly, and we generated $3.3 million (in 2017 dollars) in our first 8 months.

We hired lots of salespeople and created a sales manual for them to have tools, tips, and guidelines at their fingertips. In this article, you will find an excerpt directly out of our original manual. It is as relevant today as it was back in 1994!

Is The World Becoming More or Less Violent?

Ask most people if the world has become more or less violent and they will say MORE!

Watching the mainstream news and listening to politicians during an election cycle, one would conclude that the world is going to hell and everything is getting worse and worse.

Conspiracy theorists, fundamental religious zealots, and people who hate change lament declining morals, standards, and values. It can appear as though we are in the middle of a renaissance of deceit, dishonesty, and violence.

In reality, these sentiments may be based on people’s local experiences, however, when you look at the world as a whole, violence is declining, there is more accountability for big businesses, and transparency for politicians than at any other time in HISTORY!

It is true when everything is covered up and people are in denial of how things actually are, there is the appearance of order, safety, and security. Bubbling just under the surface is an entirely different reality. Once this reality is exposed, it can look like everything is going backward, when in fact things are getting better because the hidden is no longer out of view and people can see it. Once you can see it, you can change it.

Check out this fantastic presentation by Harvard professor Steven Pinker from 2007. Steven lays out the case for how we may be living in the safest period in history!

DREAM Paradigm Seminar Live in 2005

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