
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Category: Leadership & Influence Page 11 of 20

Playing to WIN or Playing Not to LOSE

In the game of life and business, you could easily assume that most people play the game to win. Why play at all if it isn’t to win? After all, that is the purpose of the game, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t play to win — they play not to lose. You may have heard people say, “I hate to lose.”

When playing to win, you understand and accept that losing is sometimes part of the game. However, you do whatever it takes (legally, ethically and morally) to win.

When playing not to lose, you feel that you must not lose — no matter what.  You play conservatively and avoid risk because your desire not to lose is greater than your desire to win.

And here is the rub… other players will exploit your unwillingness to lose — which will have you losing!

The Wise Man, the Goddess and the Fragment

An adult bedtime story…

Once upon a time there was a wise man.  This wise man travelled the world exploring new places and learning the mysteries of life.  One day without warning, and as if by magic, the wise man forgot who he was.  He forgot that there is more to life than power, money, sex and the relentless pursuit of success.  He forgot his wisdom.  He forgot his teachers.  He forgot the examples he had seen.  He forgot the lessons he had learned.  He forgot where he had come from.  This once wise man disowned himself.  He left his seat at the table, the table of the gods.

ZONE TIPS > Counter Intention

Most people/companies fail in their performance improvement goals because they only address their intention and leave out their unconscious COUNTER-INTENTION…

ZONE TIPS > I Choose

Rather than say “I need” or “I want” say “I choose”… Who wants to be needy and wanting? Better to make and express what you are choosing! It also reinforces the concept that you are choosing.

The Leadership Challenge

Most people think that there is a lot of competition for leadership roles. Despite the competition, there are more people who are not willing to lead than there are people willing to step up to the leadership challenge.

Taking the lead means you put your reputation and your ego on the line. You take the risk that things may go wrong and you may end up with a learning experience… a public one!

Avoidance of the risks associated with leadership has a lot of potential leaders taking a back seat and waiting for someone else to step up. The people and companies who succeed and end up dominating businesses and markets are those who have taken more calculated risks than others.

Is it time for you to step up and take more risks?

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Global Peace Index 2010

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace, the world became LESS peaceful in 2010 for the second year in a row. It is interesting to note which countries are more peaceful than others.  According to the research, violence costs the world economy more than $7 Trillion… surely making the world a safer place would do a lot for the entire world!

How long will it take for the consciousness of peace (you can’t fight violence with violence) to win?

[click on the image below for a larger version]

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There is a graduated scale from ultimate truth to ultimate untruth. Most people think that a little untruth is OK and tell little lies to others and to themselves. The worst lies are the ones we tell to ourselves – and believe. Why? Because if you believe your own lies – then your perception becomes inaccurate to the same degree.  This is often why many people struggle and work hard only to find that success eludes them…

Think of ultimate truth as being the ultimate accuracy, and the ultimate untruth being the ultimate inaccuracy. The more accuracy – the more flow; so if you want more flow in your life, career or business… go for more truth.

Why People Lie

People lie for a variety of reasons. According to a study conducted by Dr. Bella DePaulo, the average person lies once or twice a day and over the course of a week, deceives about 30 of the people they interact with. This does not include the lies we tell ourselves. Some of the reasons people lie are to:

  • gain power
  • gain status or improve one’s position (impress others)
  • avoid conflict
  • avoid an unpleasant truth about themselves
  • avoid admitting mistakes
  • diminish or suppress someone else
  • avoid hurting someone’s feelings
  • avoid anger
  • avoid responsibility
  • gain respect or admiration
  • gain self-worth
  • be liked
  • maintain the status-quo, hoping everything will pass unnoticed
  • gain something of value

Focus On What You Want

Many people focus on lessons, mistakes and what they don’t want. The most empowering point-of-view is to focus on what you want and to ask yourself questions that would lead to bridging the GAP.

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Assets & Liabilities

We are used to thinking of financial assets and liabilities, and yet there are so many other areas of life that this concept applies to (or adds to or takes away from). This is especially true of people. The key is to surround yourself with people who are assets – not liabilities. We all know who the liabilities are… the people who take all the attention… the people who cost more than they produce… the people who complain about the same things and never do anything about it…

We are not suggesting that you think of all the people in your organization in purely financial terms.  That would be cold and possibly callous.  People do have value that is more than money alone. Having said that, an organization exists to add value, and people have roles within that organization to add value to the stakeholders. How do you add value if you are a liability?

Adding value is all about being an asset. In every interaction you want to be an asset – not a liability.

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