Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Category: Health & Wellness Page 2 of 5

Children Born Today Will Live to 120

We are entering a new era of personalized longevity. Children born today will live well past 120. Not only will they live longer, they will maintain excellent health through their various stages of life and experience a quality of life that is unheard of today.

I don’t know about you, but I would like to live as long as possible. Some people feel that life isn’t worth living and have essentially given up – have a death wish – and want to take others with them!

Long life brings more focus onto the quest for meaning and fulfillment. No longer is it enough to pay the bills, get buy, chase the never-ending rate-race. The problem with winning the rat-race is that you are still a rat!

If you knew without a doubt that what you did today would shape your experience in the future, what changes would you make? What would you do to live an extra 20 years?

How Sugar Affects Your Brain

75-Year Study: Good Relationships Keep Us Happier and Healthier

From Harvard Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, edited by Andrew John Harrison.

Ask most young people what they want from life and they will tell you money and fame. Landmark 75-year study of what actually matters reveals lessons that aren’t about wealth or fame or working harder and harder. The clearest message that we get is this:

Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

Harvard’s Grant & Glueck study tracked the physical and emotional well-being of 268 male graduates from Harvard, as well as 456 poor men growing up in Boston from 1939 to 2014. Multiple generations of researchers analyzed brain scans, blood samples, self-reported surveys and interactions of these men to compile their findings.

The conclusions are simple. Close relationships can make or break a person’s well-being, according to Robert Waldinger, Harvard professor of psychology and director of the center that sponsored the study.

The study reveals the following lessons:

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

The Magic Mantra

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad

This is the story of the Ek Ong Kar Mantra and how it became my much loved and favorite Magic Mantra for connecting, releasing and transforming negativity into positivity and optimism.

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First a little history, a couple of love stories and a little culture.

Anjou was born in the city of Ludhiana, located in the Indian state of Punjab. According to her parents, Anjou was conceived at the foothills of the Himalaya on their honeymoon.

How you get your start in the world is everything.

Reaction FREE: The 12 Rules of Reaction

Reaction FREE

A Reaction is a term used to describe an adverse situation where we lose our composure, equanimity, or calmness in response to a situation or event that involves unwanted feelings hijacking us. These emotions can include intense feelings of pain, sadness, fear, anger, or indignation that manifest as a fixation on being “right”, can be either conscious or unconscious, and are accompanied by a physiological response that can be felt most intensely in our chest or stomach.

Reactions are usually instant, uncontrollable, and overwhelming to our rational response causing us to say or do things that are not well thought out, hurtful or harmful to others or ourselves. Typically the core emotion or package of emotions relates to unresolved issues from the past that the current situation or event has triggered.

Catharsis & Honesty

For some people, this video would be confronting. For others it is cathartic. A film by Mark Pellington – David Whyte essay – Music by Jeff Rona.

Mark Pellington’s words say it best:

“This film was made by me as an exercise in process, to explore my own progress and personal feelings towards loss, grief, and healing. Via this text. My instinct was to be very simple and direct and to understand these words, via catharsis. The conduit was human, the face. The unlying veneer, the carrier of instinct. The face. It evokes the range of emotional expression and human truth of strangers. They all listened to it one time and brought their own inner stories to you the viewer. For you to feel your own. David’s Whyte words inspired this all. Kudos to the cast, Michael Sanford casting, Jeff Rona’s music and Matt Roe’s wonderful images.”

FREE WILL > Are We Actually Making Our Own Decisions?

Recent research into how we make decisions reveals some startling findings that a brain scan can predict what we will choose 6 seconds before we consciously make the decision. So does that mean we are making most of our decisions unconsciously? You decide…



In this article, you will discover what
PASSION looks and feels like!

When I am feeling passionate, I have a heightened sense of vitality, aliveness, vibrancy, drive and enthusiasm.  There is a warm excitement and an all-consuming focus on my sensations.  I have a sense of confidence, total concentration, and a keen awareness.

ZONE TIPS > Your Feelings Are Not Reliable

Feelings are important to our experience of living as human beings. It is said that all mammals have some feelings; however, as a human being, we have the widest range of feelings. Beyond the basic triad of pain, pleasure and numb, we have a lot of nuances to describe how we feel at any given moment — about everything we experience.

When it comes to making decisions, even the most rational, seemingly emotionless decision-makers are, unbeknownst to them, influenced by their feelings — even if they are not consciously aware of them. Even no feeling is a feeling.

Because of past things that have happened to us (both real and imagined) we tend to have conflicting emotions, as well as stacks of misplaced emotions, that get projected onto items, areas, subjects and people that they do not belong to.

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