
Renaissance for LEADERS

Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

The Orderlies Who Bought The Hospital

by Jay Abraham

Orderlies buying a hospital?

I do need to tell you they were actually two gentlemen going through med school who intended to become doctors and during the time that they were in that process, they worked at a hospital as orderlies to pay for school.

Here’s what they did.

Positive & Negative Processes

A process is a systematic sequence of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

If the actions are repeated in order, the outcome will be consistent. If the actions are out of order, the outcome will be inconsistent.

To reverse engineer a process, begin with the outcome and work backward to each step or action until arriving at the beginning.

Why Do Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes?

In Love in Paris

See you in Paris at the GOLDZONE Relationship Week next February?

Consumer Price Index 1775 to 2012

Big Mac Index

The Big Mac Index is published by The Economist as an informal and light-hearted way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a rule of thumb to see the relative cost of the same item in different countries.

If you want to buy a Big Mac, look how much it is in Switzerland compared to Egypt. How to use this? Think of retirement. If you are in the US with $1 take it to Egypt and it goes 3.5 times as far ($1 in the US is like $3.5 in Egypt).

(this post has been updated for 2021)

Global Inflation Rate 2010 to 2020

Based on the global inflation rate from 2010 to 2020, $1 in 2010 will be worth $.69 in 2020.

The below data is from the IMF, statista.

Statistic: Global inflation rate from 2010 to 2020 (compared to previous year) | Statista

When Is The Best Time To Visit Thailand?

We love organizing educational and expansive experiences in Thailand! My first visit was in 1989. Wow, have things changed since then!

When is the best time to go to Thailand? When you are hungry. When you are bored. When you need a friend. When you are lonely. When you are tired. When you need a change of pace. When you need an updraft. GOLDZONE + Thailand = MAGIC. Now is the best time, RIGHT NOW!

We look forward to seeing you at your next GOLDZONE Event in Thailand!


Can You Buy More Time?

Money can buy you a lot of things and experiences including education, opportunities, freedom, comfort, the necessities of life, luxuries, etc.

Some say money can’t buy you happiness and love. I say it can, to a point. Try being poor and see how you like it.

If you are a nasty person who is very unattractive on the inside, money can buy you the appearance of love, and someone to spend your time with who is a real beauty.

Know Your Money Nomenclature!

If you were an architect or a doctor, you would know the nomenclature of architecture or medicine. If you are not a doctor, you would pick up some of the terminologies of medicine from your family doctor, the media or friends, however, you wouldn’t have a full command of it unless you were very interested and committed to years of study. Even within the field of medicine, there are specialties that have their own terminologies. Yikes!

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