Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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How to Sell Anything for LEADERS

Join Harrison and Victoria for a 60-minute dive deep into why understanding how to sell as a leader is your leverage to increase your value, income, revenue, and so much more!

If you are not selling, you are leaving money on the table.

No, I am not talking about:

→ Promoting yourself.
→ Promoting your products and services.
→ Convincing people how great you or your services/products are.
→ Giving your expert advice.
→ Knowing what to say to people.

The key element in selling is to help people see how you can help them, emotionally not logically.

LEADERSHIP and Motivation

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

LEADERSHIP in the Digital Age

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

Leadership and Sales: How to Advocate for Anything!

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

7-Types of Leaders: Which Are You?

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

Communication & Relationships: Getting What You Want!

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

Mastering Your EMOTIONS: Good Stress, Bad Stress, and Burnout!

Visit the LinkedIn LIVE Event Page > here

NEW POWER vs OLD POWER: Win the Game in 2024 with Personal LEADERSHIP

12 Principles of Forgiveness

The acclaimed author and teacher explains the principles that are integral to the process of forgiving according to Buddhist philosophy.

A set of assumptions, propositions, or accepted facts that attempts to provide a plausible or rational explanation of cause-and-effect (causal) relationships among a group of observed phenomenon. The word’s origin (from the Greek thorós, a spectator), stresses the fact that all theories are mental models of the perceived reality.

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