Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Team

Who’s On Your Team?

Have you ever wondered why some leaders have lots of free time, make more money each year, and seem to have the golden touch?

Are they smarter or luckier?

If you are struggling more than you would like, have no time, and continually lurch from crisis to crisis, there is a way out.

The difference that makes the difference is the team. We all know that life is a team sport.

You are only as good as your team!

Your team isn’t limited to your employees. Who is on your board of directors? Do you have a formal board of advisors? Do you have a personal mentor or coach? These people will tell you what you need to hear versus what you want to hear.

Unless you are willing to be surrounded by people who expect more of you than you do, you will have people telling you what you want to hear and confirming that you are right — when you may be wrong.

Your team includes your suppliers and customers.

You work too hard if you aren’t part of a winning team.

The company’s leadership is the key person whose vision, energy, drive, and enthusiasm (or lack thereof) are the vital element, Lifeforce and the driving force behind the company and everything it does. A change at the top reverberates throughout the organization.

For most leaders, the responsibilities, fast-paced work environments, and constant challenges create stress and pressure to perform at higher and higher levels.

Who do you go to for support?

Who do you go to when there are conflicts and upsets with colleagues? How do you balance your work life with your family life? How does the work you take home impact your family?

Most leaders bottle all these conflicting agendas and emotions within themselves, causing additional stress and potential burnout. 

The world’s best athletes, actors, and musicians have coaches to fine-tune their performance, motivate them, keep them in check and balance, and provide a sounding board for ideas and problem-solving.

Likewise, an experienced coach can provide you with a competitive edge, a sounding board, and general counsel for problem-solving. Traditional therapists, counselors, and psychologists don’t work for most leaders, as their knowledge of business and organizations is limited.

Goldzone’s coaching service is very discrete support provided by experienced executives, highly trained in leadership, coaching, business, and personal development.

If you are sick and tired and ready for a change, contact a Goldzone Coach today!

Knowledge Capital & Personal Development

Since more than 3/4 of the top-developed nation’s working population are engaged in the service sectors, the intellectual capital and varying levels of development of these people are a major factor in a nation’s competitiveness.

And so it is among competing firms.  They do similar things, with the same people, for similar clients, using similar technology at more or less the same prices.  However, data shows that there are wide differences in performance between competing firms.  Why is this?  What is the key factor that is different?

A business is comprised of a group of people who have come together to play a specific role in the success of the business.  If the business is to grow, then its people must grow.  If the people are small-minded, unmotivated and not very creative – then the business will reflect this.

On the other hand, if the team members see themselves as vital, contributing, and able to excel, then the business will reflect this also.  Many organizations invest time and money in the professional development of their people; however, they neglect their team’s personal development.

Investing in the ongoing personal development and training of your team is one of the best investments you can make.  If someone makes $50,000 a year and can generate you $500,000 in value, why not take this person and increase their skill, ability, talent, attitude, and education, so that they can add a million dollars in value?

A $50,000 investment that brings a $1 million return is a very, very valuable asset.  There is no better investment that companies can make than in the education and development of their own people.

Areas of personal development include:

  • Relationship skills
  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Emotional health and self-esteem
  • Personal responsibility
  • Self-motivation
  • Financial Intelligence
  • Personal Leadership

Project Work & Multifunctional Teams

A dramatic change in the structure of modern organizations is transforming the very nature of work.  The traditional position descriptions that are part of a formal, rigid, hierarchical organizational structure are changing into loosely structured, multifunctional virtual project teams.

These virtual project teams work across time zones and borders as part of multiple project teams.  They can be easily assembled and dissembled at the completion of the project.

Dedicated to “3 Musketeers” (You Know Who You Are)

What Is Anti-Magic?

Most people can relate to being in the zone: Whatever you are doing is flowing easily and you feel like you are beyond space and time — pure magic. Then out of nowhere you are jolted out of the zone. The magic is gone. Your feelings shift from focused spontaneity to annoyance, irritation and possibly anger.

How does this happen? How can you go from being in the zone one moment to being angry the next?

This does not happen on its own. Someone did something that caused the magic-zone you were in to disappear. We call these incidents Anti-Magic, or Anti-Magic Moments.

Here is a short definition:

Anti-Magic Moment Anti-Magic Moments are any incidents, upsets or behaviors that are anti-magic (i.e. create an environment that is not safe, harmonious or happy), or actions that are in violation of the company’s stated policies, values, and procedures and interfere with productivity, orderliness and the ability to do your job well.

These Anti-Magic incidents cause a lot disharmony in relationships, especially on teams of people working closely together. You could say that Anti-Magic works directly against synergy and is opposing the team’s stated purpose and direction.

Research has shown that Anti-Magic incidents are not chance occurrences, they are usually deliberate and sometimes unconscious behaviors of people who are working against you.


These people are more common than you think. Driven by competition, resentment and jealousy, Anti-Magic is used as a weapon to “bring you down to earth”, “put you in your place” or outright dominate you.

People who struggle to get in the zone, can (but not always) become jealous, and in order to feel better about themselves, sabotage you from your in-the-zone-moment.

Another example is the friendly colleague who is competing with you for a promotion or “top employee” award. If they feel they can’t beat you in an outright competition, sabotage will do. And if you confront them about this, they will say something like “Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.”

This is very costly to a businesses bottom line and can explain why some companies and teams only achieve a fraction of their true potential and seem to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!”

Now that you are aware of Anti-Magic Moments, and the next time you jolt out of the zone, look for who did what.

What would happen to your overall results if you had a system to identify Anti-Magic and to correct it, thus preventing it from happening repeatedly? More about that in a future article.

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