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Tag: Robert H. Lustig

A Calorie is Not a Calorie

There was no significant difference in 12-month weight loss between the HLF (Healthy Low Fat and HLC (Healthy Low Carbohydrate) diets, and neither genotype pattern nor baseline insulin secretion was associated with the dietary effects on weight loss.

The takeaway? EAT REAL FOOD. The link to the research is > here

Courtesy of >>>

SUGAR: The Bitter Truth

This is an old video. However, it is as relevant today as it was years ago! Dr. Robert H. Lustig makes the point that we have been trying the low-fat approach for 40 years and it has failed to make us slimmer or healthier. In fact, we have gotten fatter and sicker. While the percentage of our daily calorie intake accounted for by fat has dropped steadily, the incidence of obesity and related illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, has gone through the roof. “Sugar is the problem,” states Lustig, “and yet public health officials are still advising us to follow a low-fat diet.”

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