Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: R. Buckminster Fuller Page 1 of 2

Be That One Person

By Buckminster Fuller

We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.

War is the ultimate tool of politics.

To expose a 4.2 trillion dollar ripoff of the American people by the stockholders of the 1000 largest corporations over the last one hundred years will be a tall order of business.

Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.

On Integrity

By Buckminster Fuller

I want you to think about this as individuals.  An individual will say to me, “What can I do?  What can I do?  I’m just a little tiny guy.”

And, I say, what you can do – I’m repeating something I said to you earlier – that we are really in the final examination – I did get, last night, to you that we are a function in the universe.  We’re here for local universe information gathering and local problem-solving in support of the integrity of an eternally regenerative universe.

But integrity is the essence.  In an invisible world, there are no visible aesthetics.  In an invisible world, the only aesthetic is integrity.  It’s our great computer world we’re going into.

Everyone is Born a Genius

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Mistake Mystique

This article is from INTUITION by Dr. R. Buckminister Fuller, pages 91 – 100.

The Anticipatory Leader: Principles to Make the World Work

Fuller’s Leadership Principles:

  1. Think comprehensively.
  2. Anticipate the future.
  3. Respect gestation rates.
  4. Envision the best possible future.
  5. Be a “trim tab”—an individual who can initiate big changes.
  6. Take individual initiative.
  7. Ask the obvious and naive questions.
  8. Do more with less.
  9. Seek to reform the environment, not man.
  10. Solve problems through action.

Man knows so much and does so little.

Buckminster Fuller: The Geodesic Life

Anjou and I were deeply impacted by the life, works, and philosophies of Bucky. Many of his concepts and principles inspired us to create the Goldzone Group and Renaissance for Leaders.

Learn more about Bucky “R. Buckminster Fuller” on Wikipedia > here or at the Buckminster Fuller Institue > here.

Must We Justify Our Right to Exist?

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Everyone is Born a Genius

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Left Foot, Right Foot

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The Reason I Know So Much

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