Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

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Personal Power

If your Personal Power is limited – then you have little chance of getting what you want. On the other hand, if you have a lot of Personal Power – then you have the ability, skill and capacity to do what you want and to influence other people’s thoughts and actions.

Are you willing to spend one more day not getting what you want?

This is the key question because if you want things to change, then you have to change. The first place to begin is to stop putting up with things the way they are…

The Struggle

What is the main cause of struggle in terms of leadership?

When you find yourself in struggle, it is most often just a resistance to change.

Denial of Feelings Can Lead to Irrational Actions

Many people who deny their feelings in order to make rational decisions are inadvertently making emotional decisions.

If you ignore, suppress or deny the emotional aspect – you will end up being totally influenced by the emotion.  All the while, you’re thinking you are using reason and being totally rational!

The best decisions are made after taking into account how something feels – then making an optimum decision that includes logic, reason and emotion.

Five Reasons Why People Procrastinate

There are five primary reasons why people procrastinate:

1)  Too much or too little information
2)  Lack of emotional energy
3)  Hoping things will change on their own
4)  Afraid of making a mistake
5)  Attached to current results

It is a mistake to overlook the fact that no decision is a decision.

The People You Meet

Each day we meet many people for the first and last time. We will never see them again – and they will never see us again, either. The larger the city or country we live in, the more this happens. The smaller the place we live in, the more likelihood we have of meeting again. However, regardless of where we live – there is one person you have to live with everyday… and that is yourself. If you do something that isn’t 100% – the people you meet may not know. You will know – and can’t forget. Make yourself proud.

The Last Day of Your Life…

Most people live as if they will be around forever… Today could be the last day of your life. If you knew that you wouldn’t wake up tomorrow – what would you do differently today?

We Are All Stars!

Most people don’t realize that we are made of the same material as the stars. If you go back in time far enough, the matter that makes up our bodies was part of an ancient star… and if you go far enough into the future – we will all become part of a future star, too!

If Humans Can Crash a Spacecraft into a Comet Traveling at Over 69,000 miles per hour

If we can crash a spacecraft into a comet – then you can design and live your ideal life. On the 4th of July 2005, 130 million KM from earth, a NASA spacecraft launched a 372 KG copper projectile that crashed into the surface of the Tempel Comet. If we can make this happen then you can make your life work in the way you want… Goldzone can help you!


As you communicate more, your Lifeforce increases. Communication is the method through which Lifeforce is channeled and directed in a particular direction for a particular purpose.

Self-expression is about our ability to express ourselves through our clothing, personal grooming, language, tone of voice, laughter, playfulness, articulation, music, dance, art, exercise, etc. Being able to express how we feel is central to our ability to communicate and relate to other people.

As a leader, if we can’t express how we feel, then we can’t move people to action (without threats or demands).

Personal Power is the ability to express and move people – without authority or force.

What You Don’t Know

It is not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.  It is what you think you know that isn’t true that causes all the problems…

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